Maestas ramps up campaign

After going dark for months, her campaign hive is stirring; will it be enough to defeat Scherman? When she announced her run for Elk Grove C...

After going dark for months, her campaign hive is stirring; will it be enough to defeat Scherman?

When she announced her run for Elk Grove City Council last January, Katerine Maestas rolled out top shelf local Democrats David Jones and Darrell Steinberg to launch her campaign.

Since then not much has been heard from the Maestas campaign.

Last week there was evidence that Maestas is revving up her campaign. There was a story in the Elk Grove Citizen about the opening of her campaign headquarters in Old Towne Elk Grove. Maestas also has a MySpace page as well as a Facebook (in Spanish)page promoting her campaign.

A Google search of Maestas found little else of interest other than her contribution of $250 to the Sacramento County Democratic Central Committee.

With just four months until elections, it appears Measetas faces a herculean task in overtaking Scherman. Active in local affairs for years, Scherman has high name recognition and a relatively good reputation compared to fellow council member Mike Leary, who is facing a strong challenge from Steve Detrick.

On the plus side for Maestas, in her 2004 re-election Scherman got only 33% of the city-wide popular vote amongst six candidates. If Maestas is to succeed, perhaps her best hope is that Elk Grove is turning 'blue.'

Short of changing political demographics and riding Obama's possible coattails, all might be for nought.

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