Three Challengers Wallop Lungren in Fundraising

If the old say about money being the mother’s milk of politics bares any truth, Republican Congressman Dan Lungren might start looking fo...

If the old say about money being the mother’s milk of politics bares any truth, Republican Congressman Dan Lungren might start looking for another cow to milk lest his political career be put out to pasture.

The most recently released quarterly filings from the Federal Elections Commissions show Lungren’s three announced Democrat challengers raised a total of $436,000 in contributions. During the same period Lungren raised $238,000.

During the quarter Dr. Ami Bera raised $288,000, SMUD director Bill Slaton raised $114,000 and Elk Grove council member Gary Davis raised $34,000. Bera loaned his campaign $4,800 while Slaton loaned his campaign $114,000.

Lungren, now in his third term representing the 3rd congressional district of California, is one of ten Republican congress members targeted by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Lungren did not carry a majority in his November victory over Dr. Bill Durston and President Obama won the district by one percent over John McCain.

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Anonymous said...

How exactly did Lungren get walloped? He raised a lot of money and still has more cash on hand than all the Dem contenders.

Anonymous said...

If Bera raised that much i such a short period, I can only imagine what he delivers next reporting. The bar has been set high. I think Mr. Davis should see the writing on the wall and exit gracefully. I would rather have a doctor in the house versus another politician. Bera 2010!!!

Sharky said...

Well the fact that Lungren has been on the California political scene for 30 years, held statewide office, is an incumbent and a political unknown alone raised more than him shows the tide in CA-3 is turning away from the Republicans.

Elk Grove Catholics For Lungren said...

Dan Lungren has been great for Elk Grove. He is is moral,upright, a devout Roman Catholic and represents us well. God Bless you Congressman Lungen! You will always have my vote.

Anonymous said...

LUngren is a carpet bagger that came to this district to run.

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