Hume: I Don't Favor Growth Management

Tucked in the waning moments of last Wednesday's city council meeting, Mayor Pat Hume made a little noticed comment that speaks volu...

Tucked in the waning moments of last Wednesday's city council meeting, Mayor Pat Hume made a little noticed comment that speaks volumes.

As a matter of normal business, at the end of each meeting city council members have an opportunity to make comments and suggest future agenda items. Steve Detrick was the first council member to speak.

After making a few positive comments about the Sheldon Road interchange project, Detrick spoke briefly about theThe Elk Grove Growth Management Plan ordinance as proposed by the Elk Grove Coalition Advocating Proper Planning, or EGCAPP. (Detrick's request was made at approximately the 11:01 mark on this video; Hume's comment was immediately after.)

Detrick who headed EGCAPP before election to the city council, asked that a discussion be included at a future meeting. While council member Gary Davis readily agreed, Hume and council member Sophia Scherman were not supportive. (Cooper had left the meeting by this point.)

"I am not in favor of growth management plans personally," Hume said. "But I am willing to discuss it."

Scherman agreed with Hume and said "Discuss it but..." without further elaboration.

With a little over one week before the highly anticipated Sphere of Influence meeting, Hume and Scherman's comments offer true insight into their position.

In other words, we'll talk about it, pretend to be concerned and go through the motions, but in the the end "I am not in favor of growth management plans."

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Anonymous said...

Yeah, pave all the way to Stockton. EG is already a huge mess to start with.

Anonymous said...

There you go. Might as well cancel that meeting, Connie, Hume has made his point here clear once again. Remember the 1st SOI summit when someone asked Hume what the city council had in mind re: the proposed SOI? He said he couldn't speak for the whole council, then proceded in elaborate detail to tell us His goals. Wow, that was so telling. I'm glad it was taped.
We know why he wants the floodplain in the SOI, no growth management...

Anonymous said...

I agree, Connie. The decision has already been made about the SOI, and where Hume goes, so goes the Council. The Summit will amount to a dog and pony show for Elk Grove. Anyone who thinks the Summit might change the Council's collective mind is wrong. The pea is under a different shell. It will be like a discussion of someone at a funeral- after the fact.

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