Special Meeting Regarding Bus Routes Set For Monday Night
The following message is from Elk Grove City Council member Gary Davis First off, thank you again to everyone who attended Wednesday’...
The following message is from Elk Grove City Council member Gary Davis
First off, thank you again to everyone who attended Wednesday’s City Council meeting and/or have sent in emails regarding the proposed eTran route cuts.
As I have repeatedly stated before, now is exactly the wrong time to be making cuts to eTran. Between the rate increase, salary reductions, high cost of gas, and the general need to encourage transit use instead of driving your car, our eTran routes must continue.
Your participation in the process is working! And, the City is about to schedule a Special City Council meeting on:
Monday, August 31st at City Hall at 6 p.m.
And, the good news! According to FTA regulations and our own city policy, 30 day noticing requirements only apply to route reductions – not route additions!
Therefore, the Council has the authority to rescind these cuts at Monday’s Special City Council Meeting and add the routes back in.
I look forward to seeing you there!
As always, please let me know if there are ways I can better serve you!
Gary Davis
Council Member
City of Elk Grove
(916) 201-5773
Stop campaigning Gary Davis! Your motives are transparent and all that you do.
There is no right time for cuts but a tax and spend liberal wouldn't know anything about that.
You tout that you are responsible for bringing jobs and new businesses to Elk Grove, well then you are also responsible for the hundreds that have closed shop and left. You should take credit for that also.
Hopefully your days at Council and politics are numbered and we can send you packing to the next town.
Cut a bus route or police officer?
Mr. Davis
You have receieved the most money of all the Council members from MV Transportation and the owners not only to your Council account but also your Congressional account. You expect us to believe that you are looking out for the poor bus riders? I think you are looking out for your next handout.
What a great opportunity for you to act as though you are a man of the people. I don't see how you or Steve Detrick can be a voice for the common man hiding behind your gated communities. Who and what are you hiding from? The gang bangers that are taking over our street? The crime that is plaguing this once great community? You want to continue to expand the boundaries, what about paying attention to the one's we have now.
Stop acting in the interest of your contributors and act in the best interest of the city. There should be a moratorim on campaign donations for those that have active issues before the city. Maybe this should be in the Charter. Wait, I hear you all are trying to dissolve it because you can't manage citizen input and what the Charter will look like. I have attended several meetings and there is opportunity for us to shape out city. You all have egos that need to be checked.
Silence the citizens and there will be a revolt on election day.
I too have heard that the Council members want to quash the Charter Commission. One of the reasons I heard is that they are scared it will include growth management measures which goes against their contributors. I have also heard because they all want to be Mayor. what are they so afraid of? Public input is the key to democracy and these self- interested individuals should all get the boot.
How much has the Council already spent on this? It seems to me that they are nervous because they can't control the content that may copme up during public workshops. isn't that the point of a workshop- to get public input? On election day, replace them all and start by not promoting the ones there to higher office. They only care about themself.
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