Elk Grove City Manager Seeks To Increase Pay Range For HR Manager

Could make as much as $150,000 if approved by city council Correction to this story posted at 11:00 PM Elk Grove city manager Laura Gill is ...

Could make as much as $150,000 if approved by city council

Correction to this story posted at 11:00 PM

Elk Grove city manager Laura Gill is seeking to change the job description, title and pay of the human resources manager that could increase the pay by a minimum of $21,000 if implemented.

In a report to the city council, Gill is seeking to reclassify the position from a human resources manager to a director. Gill’s justification is based on several factors including increased scope of the position’s responsibilities stemming from the 2006 establishment of the police department to the recommendations of the Sinclair Report to switch contract employees to city employees.

Gill’s report says the change in title and pay will have no immediate fiscal impact to the city as the vacant deputy city manager position will not be filled. The increased cost for the human resources position would more than offset than by the savings in elimination of the deputy city manager position.

If implemented, the current salary range would grow from it’s current $88,893 to $124,451 pay scale to $110,000 to $150,000.

The item has been placed on the city council’s consent calendar for the Wednesday, September 23 meeting. Consent calendar items are, according to the city council agenda, “ones expected to be routine and non-controversial.”

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Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding? $150k? That is an outrage!

Is Gill planning to put a friend in?

Let's keep that position empty.

Anonymous said...

You think a city of our size can really run without an HR function?? From the sounds of how things are going at City Hall, this is a very necessary position.

Anonymous said...

It may also be helpful to see what "comparable" cities are paying HR Directors. Roseville salary schedule shows a range for HR Director from 103,585 - 138,884; Folsom does not list their HR Director in the salary schedule(strange) but West Sacramento is 113,532 - 153,324. Sounds like we may be on the high side but that the prior salary was probably too low.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Some HR positions in major silicon valley companies pay about $85-90K, and these companies have lots and lots of employees.

What EG wants to pay is totally unacceptable and overkill.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that those silicon valley companies you refer to have no union or the labor relations laws that come with them to deal with. Public sector is a different animal. Take a look at the cities over in that area if you want to do a real comparison. The City of Sunnyvale HR Director tops out at just under $190K annually. Both San Jose and Santa Clara HR Directors top out at over $200K. You do not want to use the bay area as comparators - stay local. The author used the "dot-com" language just to rile people up and make them jump to respond with outrage and without thinking.

Malleus Codex said...

Thank you, 12:11 PM. The only way to stop this is for many Elk Grove citizens to attend the SEPTEMBER 28th City Council meeting and to challange, during public comment, COnsent Calendar item 6.7. Demand a public hearing. Don't let the City Council slip this one past the voters!!!! Everyone needs to sign up to receive City website alerts. Sign up for the City Council agendas and the Planning Commission agendas. ALWAYS scrutininze the Consent Calendar items (this is how Sophia's double dipping was exposed!) You can see the details by clicking on the agenda item number (in this case click on 6.7)You can sign up here: http://www.elkgrovecity.org/community/website-updates.asp

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