Scherman Accepted Sanitation District Per Diem

Also sought, accepted payment from city for same activity The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District & Sacramento Area Se...

Also sought, accepted payment from city for same activity

The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District & Sacramento Area Sewer District verified today that Elk Grove Council member Sophia Scherman accepted has a $100 Per Diem for meetings held this year.

Scherman also sought and accepted payment from the city for mileage to and from these same meetings.

In a statement issued to EGN a district spokesperson said the following:

Members of our Board of Directors receive a stipend for attending and voting at our Board Hearings. The set stipend amount is $100 for each meeting they attend/vote. Director Scherman sits on two of our area's sewer-related agencies: Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District, and the Sacramento Area Sewer District. Stipends for those meetings have been provided to Director Scherman this calendar year.

Sherman has not responded to an e-mail request seeking her comments on receiving payment from both government entities.

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Neo said...

Nothing to see here folks.

Anonymous said...

I think someone it in trouble...

Anonymous said...

Beware of the Sophia factor here. We won't be fooled one bit.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this will hurt her campaign managers chances when she runs for Davis's council seat.

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