Elk Grove Holds Ceremonial Grand Opening of Sheldon Interchange

12:40 PM UPDATE - See Congress member Dan Lungren's remarks on the second page of this post This morning the City of Elk Grove he...

12:40 PM UPDATE - See Congress member Dan Lungren's remarks on the second page of this post

This morning the City of Elk Grove held a ceremonial ribbon cutting marking the completion of the Sheldon Road-Highway 99 interchange.

Held in the park and ride lot on the southeast quadrant of the interchange, scores of participants and local dignitaries were entertained by the Elk Grove Jazz Band and enjoyed refreshments.

Presiding over the ceremony was Mayor Pat Hume who thanked various government entities who contributed to construction and upgrade of the long-awaited interchange.

“Today marks a momentous occasion that has been a long time in the making,” Hume said. “Now we have this wonderful, modern fully functioning interchange.”
Among the other local official in attendance was Sacramento Supervisor Don Nottoli who noted the project was originally proposed in 1988. Calling the interchange vital to the area’s economic development, Nottoli said the project is a “great addition.”

Pannell thanks Elk Grove

One of the dignitaries praising the project was Sacramento city council member Bonnie Pannell, whose district borders Elk Grove along Sheldon Road west of the interchange. Pannell said that the interchange was important to her constituents, but noted that without Elk Grove’s leadership, the project would not have been completed.

Pannell also said the City of Sacramento did not have the funds available to contribute to the project. “Thank you City of Elk Grove. You did all the heavy lifting.”

Hume noted Pannell acknowledgement but also praised her contribution. “She was instrumental,” Hume said.

Lungren's remarks

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Insania said...


2008 saw a 40-year low in traffic fatalities. Safety is much more a function of how we drive rather than what we drive in or on. High fuel prices and a recession reduced deaths...and you though there was nothing to be gained from $4 gas.

I might argue that this interchange will produce more accidents than the old interchange precisely because it feels safer. Think about the old southbound to westbound curve. Took it pretty slow, didn't you? Today, there will be more of us taking the new offramp at dramatically higher speeds, and particularly because we are going to speed up to run the re... er...catch the green light which didn't exist before. Now we have better prospects to kill ourselves and/or others around us.

When a road feels safer, like this new interchange, it very often becomes more dangerous because we drive like idiots. Lulled by safety, we'll act more dangerously.

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