Big Celebration . . .Small Price?

By Connie Conley In looking over the first Elk Grove City Council agenda for 2010, Agenda Item 8.3 is asking the city council to give...

By Connie Conley

In looking over the first Elk Grove City Council agenda for 2010, Agenda Item 8.3 is asking the city council to give direction regarding our city’s Tenth Anniversary Celebration. No one will argue that turning a decade old is reason to celebrate, but given the tough economic times, can we have a “Big Celebration . . .Small Price.”

The staff report indicates that there is “$100,000 in the General Fund Contingency for reappropriation.” Many of us have sat through council meetings where cut after cut was made throughout 2009, with the red pens slashing here, there and everywhere, non profits that are suffering walked away knowing that this may be the last year for grant funding, yet never did we hear that the “general fund contains a contingency.”

Forecasters have long warned that the second wave of foreclosures will hit about the same time we sing “Happy Birthday Elk Grove.” Small businesses are going to suffer even more when the next wave hits. That is a reality and one that we must face with our eyes wide open.

A celebration should be in order, and with our city’s history and growing pains, we have earned it, but why such a large price tag? Can we do more with less? Of course we can.

I can count the number of city events whereby the Elk Grove Rotary was selling their hot dogs for next to nothing and the lines were down the block, or a child just receiving a balloon with a smile that is priceless. That is certainly an example of doing more with less and the joy of receiving the thank you no less heart warming.

So the question is: Is the $100,000 price tag for Elk Grove's Tenth Anniversary something our city’s residents want to spend? And will the five of you know the answer to that question come Wednesday night.

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