Davis Raises $47K During 2009, in Strong Cash Position

Starts reelection year with $58K Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis collected $47,798 in campaign cash contributions during the ca...

Starts reelection year with $58K

Elk Grove City Council Member Gary Davis collected $47,798 in campaign cash contributions during the calendar year 2009 according to documents filed with the Elk Grove City Clerk office.

Davis collected $18,800 during the first half of ’09 and $28,998 during the second half. Davis did not receive any non-monetary contributions for the year.

Davis’ largest contribution came from the Plumber & Pipefitters Local 447 in Sacramento who donated a total of $15,000 for the year. For the year, Davis received a total of $21,750 from labor organizations and $23,300 from various groups representing real estate, businesses and political interests.

Davis ended the year with a cash balance of $58,263 and no debt. Currently Davis has no announced opponents in his bid for a second term.

During the year Davis made political cash contributions of $2,070 to various candidates and Democratic Party causes and civic donations totaling $3,469, including a $1,000 donation to Mercy [Hospital] Perinatal Recovery Network.

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Phillip Stark said...

Plumbers and pipe fitters are experts when it comes to priming for a desired direction of flow... or, in the case of political contributions... assurance of such.

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