Tenative Agreement Reached by Elk Grove Schools, Teachers
On June 2, 2010 the Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) informed the Elk Grove Unified School District that its members ratified a two-y...
On June 2, 2010 the Elk Grove Education Association (EGEA) informed the Elk Grove Unified School District that its members ratified a two-year Tentative Agreement (TA) with the district.
The agreement includes concessions from EGEA that total about $23 million for each year. In exchange, the teacher's association negotiated approximately $13 million in position restorations for each year. The remaining $10 million will assist the district with its $60.5 million shortfall for 2010-2011 and again in 2011-2012.
The TA will allow the district to restore approximately 210 certificated positions including Elementary and Secondary Teachers, Secondary Counselors (29 already rescinded with 37 more restored), Secondary Librarians, 1 position per high school for 9th grade Class Size Reduction, some Adult Education and ROP Teachers and continuation of secondary adjunct duty stipends.
The concessions are for the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 school years. The concessions for each year include: 9 furlough days (5 instructional plus 4 pre-service or professional development days); a suspension of the lottery checks; a column salary movement freeze; a salary reduction of $4 million for the EGEA unit; a 10 percent athletic stipend reduction; an increase in health benefits co-payments and the elimination of dual health coverage for spouses.
The superintendent and associate superintendents will take concessions equivalent to those taken by EGEA members. EGUSD also continues its ongoing negotiations with all other employee groups.
EGUSD and EGEA are working to determine the five instructional furlough days. As soon as the days are determined information will be shared with staff, parents, and the community. The furlough days and revised calendar will be posted on the district's website.
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