Scherman Pulls Endorsement For Cooper; Implies Racism in Bid to Strip Her of Mayoral Title

UPDATED 8:40 pm The latest volley between the two seemingly feuding factions of the Elk Grove City Council occurred today when Elk Grov...

UPDATED 8:40 pm

The latest volley between the two seemingly feuding factions of the Elk Grove City Council occurred today when Elk Grove Mayor Sophia Scherman withdrew her endorsement of fellow council member Jim Cooper in his bid to become the Sacramento County Sheriff. 

Scherman announced her withdrawal in a press release today following a special city council meeting she called last night to form an ad-hoc committee to address juvenile sex offenders residences within the city. Vice Mayor Steve Detrick and council members Cooper and Gary Davis objected to what they characterized as hastily called meeting knowing all three would be unable to attend.

At last night's meeting City Manager Laura Gill read a letter into the public record from the trio stating they would convene a special meeting of the council on Wednesday, July 28 to strip of her mayoral duties. 

In her statement Scherman said she was "disappointed members of my council are trying to bully me." The statement seemed to imply that their actions were because she was "a hard charging Latino woman."

While Cooper, Detrick and Davis have aligned in their move to strip her of the mayoral duties, Scherman's sole ally on the council is her political protege, Council Member Pat Hume. Scherman helped launched Hume's political career 10 years ago when she appointed him as one of the city's original planning commissioners. 

At last night's meeting Hume showed his support for his benfactor and fumed that he "was sick and tired of internal council politics." 

The statement also said Scherman would be meeting with Cooper's opponent, Scott Jones, in the coming weeks.

Cooper said he was unable to attend the special meeting because of a previously scheduled fund raising event. When asked about Scherman's withdrawal of support, Cooper said "I was surprised." 

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Josie said...

WOW... the "Race" route, one we try to avoid at all costs and she just put in out there in public for all to see.

Plus a 30-second flip -flop, how dare you insult our intelligence. People are not fools this time around. Exactly what we need in a Mayor representing our fine city, whose word means "nothing".

And Mr. Hume "is sick and tired of internal council politics". Really!

Seems the Double-Talk Express is off the rails.

Malleus Codex said...

I look forward to Mayor Detrick's leadership. Too bad they can't just expel ol' Sophie from the council altogether. We really need a city ballot measure forcing LIFETIME term limits on the City Council and Planning Commission. Ol' S has had her talons in the meat of Elk Grove TOO LONG. I mean, really, half the time she doesn't know what she's voting on, anyway.

charon said...

Elk Grove has surpassed Isleton in the "They did WHAT?" department. The Mayor stirs up her colleagues and then plays the race card when called on her stuff? Is that arrogance, or extremely poor judgement? Hopefully, leadership will emerge from somewhere on the Council to take things in a less Jerry Springer-ish direction.

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