Mailer of the day -
Pat Hume crime fighter

Today's mailer of the day is from Elk Grove City Council candidate Pat Hume. This mailer arrived yesterday with his now infamous "k...

Today's mailer of the day is from Elk Grove City Council candidate Pat Hume. This mailer arrived yesterday with his now infamous "kiddie" mailer.

On the surface, this one seems fairly innocuous, but a closer read shows a continued pattern of misleading claims.

Let's take a look.

The mailer starts off with usual crime-fighter-working-for-public-safety rhetoric that is now becoming a cliche for any office seeker, particularly those lower on the political food chain. Hume's mailer cleverly tries to slip in some wording that is false.

It reads:
"As Mayor and Councilman, Pat Hume has made public safety a top priority - ensuring we have the best-trained prosecutors Police officers and Firefighters in Elk Grove..."

Elk Grove does not a prosecutors office and therefore Hume's claim is a lie. As a council member Hume has not one thing to do with the hiring, training and retention of prosecutors in the Sacramento County District Attoreny's office. 

As for firefighters, unless the City of Elk Grove has taken over the Cosumnes Community Services District, as a council member Hume has absolutely no say over firefighters.

Furthermore, in earlier mailers Hume claimed the mantra of tax fighter. How wise would it be to have a city prosecutor when we already have the DA's office? Talk about running up the city's cost and imposing more burden on Elk Grove taxpayers.  

We suggest those considering voting for Hume to review his beloved Rotary Four Way test and see how this mailer stacks up. The one about the truth seems particularly appropriate.

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Elk Grove Politics said...

Elk Grove crime fighters Batman McGinness' and Robin Hume's tights shrunk and it has squeezed their thinking; or do they think the voters are that stupid.

Hume is now the "yuck" on the "yuck" on the bottom of the worst politician's ballet slippers or they have traded them in for dance shoes because they are tip toeing around the truth. The problem is who is leading whom with these two gents?

Now Pat Hume has involved the Catholic Church once again. McGinness is a devout Catholic. As Sheriff, I wonder what he has to say about his newest protégé using fellow parionsher's children for political gain. Thumbing your Republic nose at the separation between church and state Hume?

Hume must be so desperate that he is using children's names and addresses to send out false information.

I wonder how their parents feel about their children's names and addresses being out there for anyone to forward on or to purchase.

Is that the public safety Hume's professes to champion on his newest flyer? Never mind the fact that Elk Grove does NOT have its own prosecutors.

More Hume lies. See a pattern here folks?

And this is the man who professes common sense and uncommon leadership. What a crock!

Elk Grove Politics said...

After receiving this mailer, I asked my grandson, who is very involved in Elk Grove politics, about having a prosecutor. He told me that Elk Grove does not have any prosecutors and the Pat Hume mailer is full of lies.

I am not one to post but after my grandson read me Elk Grove Online which directed me to this website, I state here and now, as a long time resident of Elk Grove, I am deeply disappointed in Patrick Hume. I have known Patrick since he was a little boy and his wonderful family for years before then. Patrick has brought embarrassment to the Guttridge name. What is the rationale here?

I voted for Patrick four years ago because my family got the Jack Daniels mailer from Rick Soares. Before receiving that mailer, I was going to vote for Rick. I know Rick well and thought him as a teacher, a trusted, honorable servant of the people.

And frankly, knowing about Patrick’s clowning around town at Bob’s Bar and at other community events, I felt he was still much too immature to sit on the city council. But I never thought he would compromise the Guttridge family’s ethical values.

Now I find out that Patrick hired the same person for his current campaign. The same person who sent out that Jack Daniels’ hit piece on him. Why would Patrick do that? I emailed Patrick to ask him personally. He has not responded. As a result, in my disgust, I am not a member of Elk Grove Online, nor will I; so I am posting my comments here with my grandson’s assistance.

It is distressing that Patrick has shown who is really is by the company he keeps and for allowing children’s names and addresses to be used. I wouldn’t have believed it of him because of his upbringing. His grandfather, Jim Guttridge, was a trusted friend and a man of uncompromising integrity; values he passed on to his four children. Like the Kennedys, it appears it is the grandchildren who now tarnish the Guttridge name.

Whether he wins or loses this election, Patrick will never regain the respect of people who have known him and his family for years. The entire Guttridge family has been disgraced by Patrick Hume.

Unknown said...

Who is the writer of this article, hiding behind the "EG" by-line? The editor? A citizen that wrote and submitted an article? Maybe they should take more care in the spelling department too. This all leads to a lack of credibility. (Sorry, just asking the questions and stating the facts... nothing personal.)

-- Note to self - Will likely be moderated out... JB

AGJr said...

visit for more information on this...

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