Elk Grove City Council to Consider Another Car Dealer Incentive, Pot Growing Regulations

At next Wednesday's regular meeting, the Elk Grove City Council will consider granting another economic stimulus for an Elk Grove Auto M...

At next Wednesday's regular meeting, the Elk Grove City Council will consider granting another economic stimulus for an Elk Grove Auto Mall dealer as well as the implementation of regulations regarding the cultivation of medical marijuana.
Elk Grove Subaru sekks $150,000 from the city.
The Lasher Auto Group, owner of the Elk Grove Subaru dealership at the auto mall is seeking a $150,000 grant under the city's economic development fund program. The dealer originally sought $200,000.

According to city staff reports, the dealership recently generated $9 million in taxable revenues and 2011 revenues are expected to be $20 million. The dealer qualifies for the program because it will retain 24 existing jobs and generate $20 million in taxable sales revenues.

If approved, the funds will be used for promotional and advertising purposes and would leave $187,000 in the city's development fund. The city council has already granted incentives for the auto mall's Ford and Mazda dealerships.

In other business, the council will receive a city staff report the summarizes several options the city can implement if it decides to regulate indoor and outdoor cultivation of marijuana. The report includes a sampling of how other Northern California municipalities are regulating cultivation.

At recent city council meetings several Elk Grove residents have complained about a medical marijuana cooperative's growing operation in the city's east side agricultural-residential area.

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