Elk Grove Seeks Nominations for Mayor Volunteer Awards

The City of Elk Grove is seeking nominations to recognize residents who have worked tirelessly for the local community for the inaugural May...

The City of Elk Grove is seeking nominations to recognize residents who have worked tirelessly for the local community for the inaugural Mayor's Volunteer Awards.

The Elk Grove City Council, in collaboration with the Elk Grove Community Connection, invites community members to nominate a deserving candidate for the 2011 Elk Grove Mayor’s Volunteer Awards. These awards are designed to recognize volunteers who have made a significant impact on the quality of life in Elk Grove.

“Elk Grove wouldn’t be the community it is today if it weren’t for passionate, committed and selfless volunteers who give their heart and soul to helping others,” Mayor Steve Detrick said. “I encourage residents to help us recognize the unsung heroes in this community for their significant work in Elk Grove.”

Nominees must exemplify one or more of the following:

• Demonstrates exceptional commitment to volunteerism by helping with a special project or ongoing activities
• Demonstrates exemplary leadership, creativity, cooperation, and hard work in service to others
• Serves as a role model by inspiring others

Any individual, group, business, agency or organization whose volunteer activities directly benefit the Elk Grove community is eligible.

Nomination forms are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 14. Nomination forms are available online at www.elkgrovecity.org/award, or at City Hall, 8401 Laguna Palms Way.

For more information contact Mona Schmidt at 916-478-3633 or email her at mschmidt@elkgrovecity.org.

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