Do We Really Honor Our Veterans By Not Asking Sacrifice Of Ourselves?

Originally posted on 11/11/2009 Later today politicians from the President on down to our very own city council members will take the op...

Originally posted on 11/11/2009

Later today politicians from the President on down to our very own city council members will take the opportunity (or is it opportunism?) to acknowledge all the men and women who have honorably served our nation in uniform.

There will be speeches, parades and lots of talk on how we ought to honor those who have served so that we may live free. No one will argue this point.

Aside from honoring members of the armed services every November 11, how well do we really honor and take care of those, particularly those permanently injured, who have served our nation?

Unfortunately many come home to find medical care that has been lacking. Have we forgotten the deplorable conditions injured vets endured at Walter Reed or the recent reported indignities at Dover Air Force Base?

How do we honor all the current armed service members? We “honor” our service members by sending them on multiple tours of duty to war zones to fight our wars with more deployments in the future.

Regardless of what your thoughts are on the merits of our forays into Afghanistan and Iraq, there is no doubt that few of us today have sacrificed to the degree our current members of the armed services have.

Have those most enamored with the wars volunteered to serve in the armed forces? Have they asked their sons and daughters to serve? Probably not.

So as we rightfully honor Veterans today, keep in mind the many who promulgate these war have asked far more of others than they have of themselves or their children.

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