Night Life in The Moonlight

Special to EGN The brisk chill of the air and the blowing leafs tell us we are well on our way to darker days and long cold nig...

Special to EGN

The brisk chill of the air and the blowing leafs tell us we are well on our way to darker days and long cold nights here in the northern states. As I sit in my dining room writing this, I see a few Canadian Geese landing in my back yard for a stopover on their way south. And then a glance out the living room window--its shows me a framed up picture of a bush with bright yellow leafs holding on to what was once warmer days.

As we head into official winter time, I'd like to share with you some thoughts on what I call the winter moon. In the Midwest, its called the frosty moon because once the hard frost takes over our land; it casts a wonderful, sparkling frosty glow on the moon and the earth beneath our feet.

I remember leaving for school on early mornings in November and tip toeing across our lawn and listening to the little crunching sounds as my toes made each little step in the grass. And when I reached the sidewalk after my own little parade, I was in awe... looking back at the impressions I left in the frosty green grass. It was fascinating to me.

Not sure if it was my dad or grandfather who told me try to do my little dance under the moon in the early hours of the morning... so I did just that. I'd much rather stay under my covers in my warm cozy bedroom with my little sister, she was so nice to sleep with, but the pull of the moon worked its magic on me.

So one night, well really in the wee hours of the morning, like a teensy mouse snooping around, I went down the dark hallway, thru the dining room, the kitchen and down the two steps leading out to the back yard. Yep, the moon was almost full and the grass was crunching as I started my little adventure. It was amazing, everything was glistening, the roof tops, the grass, a few left over rose petals, my bike, the car, my brother’s wagon, all coated in little crystals!

It was a land of make believe and it was more than my little eyes could imagine. I created a tip toe dance in my slippers across the yard to the cherry trees and back, the full winter moon made it magical. Later in life, I learned the November moon was the frosty moon and it took me right back to that magical night when I was just eight years old.

Now that my tip toe frosty moon story is finished, maybe you will find yourself looking for the frosty moon casting its sparkles down on your yard and find yourself making your own impression by writing a vanishing note on the car top, or snapping a photo of the frosty moon…to me its all worth a little night chill.


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