Opinion: Are Transit Incentives For CCHCS Employees Necessary?
By Connie Conley I have been very supportive of your efforts to bring California Department of Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS)...
By Connie Conley
I have been very supportive of your efforts to bring California Department of Correctional Health Care Services (CCHCS) to Elk Grove and all the incentives given - though other very active residents have been adamantly against giving incentives, seeing them as "gifts" of public funds. Tonight you will decide whether those incentives will include bus incentives for agency employees.
The council needs to be reminded how we sat through many hours of public testimony and meetings - even special meetings - whereby this council cut bus routes, including weekends, which cut folks off from shopping and church, Paratransit services and even increased rates for those who are totally reliant on e-Tran.
With that, if you do decide to give out bus incentives to the CCHCS employees, how are you going to explain that while giving an incentive to one, you raised the rates on others and even more so, cut Paratransit for our disabled residents who are solely dependent on these services?
While an argument may be made this incentive will come from a different funding source, most e-tran riders only understand transit is transit. So tonight I would respectively request that this city council explain on the record, because given the choice, how you would give a $100,000 incentive - when many other incentives have been granted to the tune of millions of dollars - rather than give an incentive to our disabled residents and other loyal e-tran riders who have been before you time and time again pleading that you don't cut their services or raise their transit fees.
And what about the fact that the city of Sacramento just voted to move forward and sell all the parking garages to a private company. State employees use those garages and their rates, despite what KJ says, are going to increase and probably significantly; as if paying $150 a month isn’t enough. Are they going to be given incentives?
So taking the bus to Elk Grove might be incentive enough given what it takes to work in downtown Sacramento?
I simply do not get this one at all.
Ed. note: This opinion piece was originally sent by Conley to Elk Grove City Council members.
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