Elk Grove Mayoral Race has Third Candidate
Jerry Braxmeyer Announces Candidacy for Mayor of Elk Grove With Jerry Braxmeyer's announcement and campaign kick-off event yesterd...
Jerry Braxmeyer Announces Candidacy for Mayor of Elk Grove
With Jerry Braxmeyer's announcement and campaign kick-off event yesterday, there are now three candidates who are seeking to become Elk Grove's first popularly elected mayor this November.
At an event with family, friends, and supporters Elk Grove native Braxmeyer announced his candidacy last night at an area restaurant. Braxmemyer emphasized his deep roots in the city and his desire to restore the city.
"About a month ago I started talking to some friends and family about what I could do help Elk Grove get back to its roots and restore our City back to greatness," Braxmeyer said. "I heard about overburdened regulations and high impact fees facing businesses, about out of control spending, about cronyism and political payback, but most of all I heard so many residents of Elk Grove express their frustration and their desire for a change in our City's leadership."
Braxmeyer also took a swipe at one of his opponent, Elk Grove Council Member Gary Davis as well as other unnamed current city council members saying they are simply looking to advance their careers at the expense of Elk Grove residents.
"We have been taken over by career politicians that are no longer looking out for what's best for Elk Grove," Braxmeyer said. "Now I am not saying that about every Council Member, but there are those that are more concerned about what office to run for next, more concerned about pleasing their high priced donors and more concerned about getting their name in the paper."
Braxmeyer concluded his remarks by thanking his supporters, "This is just the beginning and I know that we have an uphill battle, but together we can make a difference and return the shine to this great city."
With Jerry Braxmeyer's announcement and campaign kick-off event yesterday, there are now three candidates who are seeking to become Elk Grove's first popularly elected mayor this November.
At an event with family, friends, and supporters Elk Grove native Braxmeyer announced his candidacy last night at an area restaurant. Braxmemyer emphasized his deep roots in the city and his desire to restore the city.
"About a month ago I started talking to some friends and family about what I could do help Elk Grove get back to its roots and restore our City back to greatness," Braxmeyer said. "I heard about overburdened regulations and high impact fees facing businesses, about out of control spending, about cronyism and political payback, but most of all I heard so many residents of Elk Grove express their frustration and their desire for a change in our City's leadership."
Braxmeyer also took a swipe at one of his opponent, Elk Grove Council Member Gary Davis as well as other unnamed current city council members saying they are simply looking to advance their careers at the expense of Elk Grove residents.
"We have been taken over by career politicians that are no longer looking out for what's best for Elk Grove," Braxmeyer said. "Now I am not saying that about every Council Member, but there are those that are more concerned about what office to run for next, more concerned about pleasing their high priced donors and more concerned about getting their name in the paper."
Braxmeyer concluded his remarks by thanking his supporters, "This is just the beginning and I know that we have an uphill battle, but together we can make a difference and return the shine to this great city."
where can we find out more about this newest candidate? I for one would like to seek out and make changes to the council. Not saying this guy is it, but if he is serious about running, I'd like to know about his background, what his stance is on growth, the SOI, the sports complex, light rail, etc. Please provide a link to his website.
We are not aware if he has a site yet. If he does, we will link it.
We are in the process of scheduling an interview with him so please check back.
yes we need to remove this council. they are totaly out of controll. Just look at all the wasted law suits for one. Either the council needs to be changed or the staff or both. They have gotten to point were it is all about the money and fame. Just look who are contributing to them.
It sound like Mr. Braxmeyer has a real ax to grind with Gary Davis and at least two other council members.
As for restoring Elk Grove, what is meant by that? Restore to what - the homogeneous Elk Grove of 30 or 40 years ago?
It sounds like code talking in the style of Nixon's "law and order" agenda so closely tied to his Southern Strategy. Good luck with that in the Elk Grove of 2012.
Capt. Bill, I don't think we can go back to anything. But your point is well taken. I think we need some new Ideas and new vision. Our councile thinks that they know what is best for our community and have been influenced by a lot of outside and inside groups (EGCC). Time for a change.
Braxmeyer is a Hume "PAT-SY!"
Hume couldn't get elected dog catcher with all of his political and personal trash that needs to be scooped up and put at the curb.
Even a novice could have figured this one out by Braxmeyer's quotes!
An open question to Mr. Braxmeyer:
As a resident who has lived here since I was a child and consider Elk Grove my only home, givng back to one's community, either as a business owner, or part of community service is one's duty.
Since you have lived in Elk Grove most of your life as well, could you please tell us what you have specifically done to make the community better for all its residents?
Let me guess Teresa, you are the same person that works for Gary Davis right?
Why do you think that Braxmeyer monitors this blog waiting to answer questions from his opponents staff?
I was at his campaign kick-off at Palermo's on Wednesday. The place was packed with family, friends, elected officials, and supporters. If you want to learn more about him you should come to one of his neighborhood coffees.
Another EGCC attempt to undermine someone. Remenber when Davis was elected they gave him a binder on how the city should be ran. And so far he has followed it.I hope we can get a change in leadership.
Well whatever your take on Mr. Braxmeyer might be, at least Teresa is willing to attach a name to her comments. It is easy to snipe people when you don't even bother to create some identity so a meaningful dialogue can be developed.
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