Search Intensifies For Missing At-Risk Elk Grove Teenager

The search for at-risk missing teen Shabnam Ahmadyar continues today with the help of over 100 searchers from the Capital Area CERT Group. T...

The search for at-risk missing teen Shabnam Ahmadyar continues today with the help of over 100 searchers from the Capital Area CERT Group. The Capital Area CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) Group are trained volunteers that work with area fire departments (Sacramento City Fire Department, Cosumnes CSD Fire, Sac Metro Fire Department, Folsom Fire Department and West Sacramento Fire Department).

With these additional resources searchers will again fan out in portions of Elk Grove all the way south to Walnut Grove. Searchers will go door to door handing out fliers and searching areas along the way.

The Elk Grove Police Department is also asking farmers, ranchers and home owners along the river delta communities of Freeport to Walnut Grove to take some time to inspect their property for Shabnam Ahmadyar who could be sheltering on their property.

The Elk Grove Police Department first learned of Shabnam Ahmadyar’s disappearance when her family reported her missing on Friday, March 30, 2012. Shabnam Ahmadyar is described as a Middle Eastern female, 5’5” tall, 125 lbs, with black hair in pig tails and brown eyes.

She was wearing a plain gray, crew neck sweat shirt with matching grey sweat pants. Shabnam Ahmadyar is described by her family as being paranoid schizophrenic and mentally functioning well below her age level. Family members advised that she has been off her medications.

The Elk Grove Police Department continues to follow up on leads. Anyone with information regarding the whereabouts of Shabnam Ahmadyar is asked to immediately contact the Elk Grove Police Department Dispatch Center at (916) 691-5246.

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