Elk Grove Sign Workshop

Last night the Elk Grove City Council held a workshop on highway signs. At issue was whether or not the city should change the sign ordinanc...

Last night the Elk Grove City Council held a workshop on highway signs. At issue was whether or not the city should change the sign ordinance passed in 2006.

EGN made an audio recording of the meeting that is available here. A story on the meeting will be posted later today.

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M E B said...

I was at this meeting last night. Unfortunately, the meeting got off to a poor start and seemed to deteriorate from there due to the pointed and poorly crafted survey questions posed to the public for future City Council review.
We still haven't heard exactly what the applicant seeks as far as signage on the site in question.
Meeting took an "us against them" menatality which didn't lead to much of a productive mtg. Fortunately, 3 CC members were present (for at least some of mtg),so hopefully they saw what was happening and can sift through the carnage.

Sarah Johnson said...

The survey questions were indeed a disappointment. Hopefully the results will not be used to craft any sort of plan going forward. As for "us against them", we were told at the outset not to discuss the specific project in question and we did not until Mr. Moore himself insisted on detailing his plans and talking about all the reasons his plans should be approved.

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting last night too. It was disappointing to me to say the least. Mr. Moore came up after the meeting to tell me what a nice guy he is and how long he has lived here. The issue isn't about whether he is nice or naughty the issue is how do residents want their city to visually appear. I believe this was decided in 2006 by residents and leaders after a good deal of time and meetings. This meeting and suggested change to the sign ordinance through the guided/slanted poll didn't come from our leaders or planning department's vision it came from a developer and one project who approached council at a meeting. When the economy was good the developers lead and with the economy poor the developers are still leading. Our city leaders have said they want to create Elk Grove as a destination city...freeway signs for a McDonalds and gas station will make this a pass through city and will not encourage visitors to explore Elk Grove Blvd for food and gas... A sign like this does not support our businesses who have been weathering this deep recession. Could Beadware and other businesses that have left the strip mall on Elk Grove-Florin of made it if the city would of offered that developer a freeway option sign? How much is this "study" as described by the planning director costing Elk Grove taxpayers? During this recession is this a fiscally responsible decision of city council to "study" the sign ordinance?

Lynn Wheat

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