Elk Grove to Consider Selling Surplus Property

One of the surplus parcels the City of Elk Grove may put up for sale. At this Wednesday's Elk Grove City Council meeting, council me...

One of the surplus parcels the City of Elk Grove may put up for sale.
At this Wednesday's Elk Grove City Council meeting, council members will consider the sale of surplus parcels the city owns.

According to the staff report, the city is considering the sale of six parcels in its inventory. Three of the parcels are located on the 8000 block of Sheldon Road, one on E. Stockton Blvd just north of Sheldon, one on the 8700 block of E. Stockton and one at Bond Road and Grantline Road.

None of the parcels listed in the staff report and up for possible sales are parcels that were discussed at the city council's closed session meeting on Sept. 12 according to Julie Kline, Elk Grove's real property manager. At that meeting, representatives of local developer Gil Moore had approached the city about the possible purchase of an unidentified parcel located somewhere near Sheldon and Highway 99.

Moore, who is seeking to locate a McDonald's fast food outlet and gas station on Sheldon Road and E. Stockton Blvd. is seeking signage along Highway 99. Because this parcel is not directly located next to the highway, Moore is unable to place a billboard there that he and McDonald's say is critical to the success of the fast food behemoth's newest Elk Grove store.

Wednesday's meeting starts at 6 p.m.

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Anonymous said...

The council, or was it Detrick, got called out on this at the last council meeting; trying to give Moore what he wants in exchange for "contributions." The whole process has been less that honest, transparent or above board. Here's hoping Mr. T or Mr. W out bid Moore and send him packing from whence he came.


Anonymous said...

Selling of surplus land should be done using a process that is open, transparent and fair. This agenda item seems "convenient timing" for Mr. Gil Moore. It appears this council will twist the rules to allow this developer the opportunity to manipulate the sign ordinance. It is too bad this council doesn't show the same support for its citizens. They barely give the residents 3 minutes to talk; but Wilton resident Gil Moore gets favortism and special treatment. How can these officials sleep at night??

Anonymous said...

"the disposition
of real property is to be by competitive proposals UNLESS the City Council,
by resolution, determines other procedures are in the best interest of the
City." That "UNLESS" is the key word IMO! But there are other procedures that must be done first, perhaps the rerason you didn't see this property listed. One being the Sign Ordinance which has to come back to the Planning Dept. and then to the City Council. Then there is the rezoning of the property Mr. Moore purchased which is NOT zoned commercial. A little rezoning stamp and we're off to the races in the spring..........

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