Moore in Real Property Negotiations With City of Elk Grove
Vague description of parcel UPDATED 2:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m. According to the Elk Grove City Council's special meeting agenda released ...
Vague description of parcel
According to the Elk Grove City Council's special meeting agenda released on Friday, developer Gil Moore is in real property negotiations for a vaguely described parcel.
According to the agenda, the property is described as "A portion of Lot 4, of Hewitt Subdivision No. 3, according to the official plat thereof, filed in the office of the Recorder of Sacramento County, California, on January 8, 1915, in Book 15 of Maps, Map No. 13."
The agenda does provide a general location of the parcel.
A search of the parcel description led to a 2006 city document that includes a reference to this parcel which appears to be part of the eminent domain proceedings for the Sheldon Road-Highway 99 interchange property.
Moore, who is developing a gas station and fast food outlet on Sheldon Road and East Stockton Blvd., has been thwarted in his efforts to place a billboard next to Highway 99 for his development. Current city regulations prohibit businesses not directly located next to the city's freeways from placing offsite billboards.
A request to provide a more specific location of the parcel has been sent to the city.
UPDATE. The following description of where the real property in question is located was provided by the city: "This is a lot along east Stockton close to the Sheldon interchange."
UPDATE II. The city provided this further explanation of the parcel in question. The property is a strip of land between East Stockton Blvd and Highway 99. The property has no APN or street address. The best I can describe the parcel is a remnant strip of land located within the vicinity of Sheldon Road/Highway 99 Interchange, on the west side of East Stockton Blvd. south of the drainage channel, Park and Ride lot, south of Sheldon Road.
UPDATED 2:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m.
According to the Elk Grove City Council's special meeting agenda released on Friday, developer Gil Moore is in real property negotiations for a vaguely described parcel.
According to the agenda, the property is described as "A portion of Lot 4, of Hewitt Subdivision No. 3, according to the official plat thereof, filed in the office of the Recorder of Sacramento County, California, on January 8, 1915, in Book 15 of Maps, Map No. 13."
The agenda does provide a general location of the parcel.
A search of the parcel description led to a 2006 city document that includes a reference to this parcel which appears to be part of the eminent domain proceedings for the Sheldon Road-Highway 99 interchange property.
Moore, who is developing a gas station and fast food outlet on Sheldon Road and East Stockton Blvd., has been thwarted in his efforts to place a billboard next to Highway 99 for his development. Current city regulations prohibit businesses not directly located next to the city's freeways from placing offsite billboards.
A request to provide a more specific location of the parcel has been sent to the city.
UPDATE. The following description of where the real property in question is located was provided by the city: "This is a lot along east Stockton close to the Sheldon interchange."
UPDATE II. The city provided this further explanation of the parcel in question. The property is a strip of land between East Stockton Blvd and Highway 99. The property has no APN or street address. The best I can describe the parcel is a remnant strip of land located within the vicinity of Sheldon Road/Highway 99 Interchange, on the west side of East Stockton Blvd. south of the drainage channel, Park and Ride lot, south of Sheldon Road.
Well, this is interesting. Could this be the parcel of land next to the freeway that Gil Moore needs in order to erect a sign for his yet to be developed business? If the city owns this parcel of land; is it considered "surplus?" If surplus, should the land be auctioned or sold to the higher bidder? How is the value being determined? By whom? Why would this be on the "closed agenda?" Too many questions. This does not pass the smell test. I hope there are no sheninigens going on behind closed doors?
Between this and the upcoming Planning Commission item to create overlay zones around freeway ramps looks like Moore will get his way and it just makes me SICK!
Money talks and the City of Elk Grove listens, including council members and administrative staff. Money has silenced the citizens of Elk Grove by paying for a "closed agenda."
Unfortunately, with no one running against Detrick or Cooper there will be 4 more years of turning the collective council back on the citizens of Elk Grove.
Pretty slick deal. He buys property without freeway frontage (so it is discount priced accordingly), asks (pay) to have the rules changed to give him the same benefits as freeway frontage property, throw a few crumbs towards local charities and council members, and voila...he's still ahead.
Oh that's right I forgot..this is about economic development and jobs!
Maybe we can repaint the welcome to Elk Grove sign to make the elk look like the "hamburglar"!
Very sad how the process is being manupulated for the benefit of another developer. I would have guessed that this thorny issue would have been buried until after the election. I would thnk Davis doesn't want this issue raising it's ugly much of a contribution did Moore make to DAvis and others??? Sad how Non-transparent this whole mess has become...Who runs this city anyways? Haven't the citizens been loud enough? DO NO AMEND THE SIGN ORDINANCE..WHAT DON'T THE COUNCIL MEMBERS UNDERSTAND??
Why do you keep trying to hang this on Davis? He is not the one you should be targeting.
Ms. Johnson is right. It seems that Mr. Detrick was the one who acknowledged during a council meeting having gone skiing and socializing with Mr. Moore and he received about $10,000 or so in contributions from Moore's oil company.
And we all were so elated to have gotten rid of Leary. We should have stayed with the devil we knew rather than elect Detrick. Leary didn't try to cover and hide his true colors. We all knew who and what he was.
IMO, Gil Moore is nothing but a bully with money. He wants his way and will buy anyone off to get it. And looks the Elk Grove City Council has given him a key card to get in the back door of city hall by the mere fact that “his business” is now on closed session. Who did that for Moore?
Next he will get a Mayor’s Award for dumping the most contributions into the council’s campaign accounts.
This is one of the worst cases of political bribery our city has ever seen.
Yeah, this is pretty stinky, no matter how the city decides it.
The verdict is in, our city council is for sale, as are the city mgr and staff.
Bring on Mickey D's and Wal-Mart, we're turning in to Mack Rd.
Nice job!
Vote Davis out! He's gotta go! Guess we're stuck w/ the others....for now.
Lynn Wheat has my vote.
Who's up for a good old-fashioned recall. First on the list, Detrick.
You ask why people keep bringing Davis into this and it is because he accepted money from Moore just like everyone else, maybe more so if his "Community Groups" were gving donations, and he refuses to recuse himself from voting on this item.
Also, and I beleive this is the main reason, he is the only one up for election that will remain on the council and as such his donations come into play with his election efforts.
I know, Sophia is on the ballot too but come on does anyone really even think she has a chance?
The Elk Grove City Council created a bizarre interchange at HWY 99 and Sheldon. It is impassable for pedestrians.
Years ago I opposed the impossible bike and pedestrian design conflicts with high speed cars.
What Elk Grove has is a City Council in the pockets of developers of big box, fast food, oil company corporations.
There is no human community in this business community.
In fairness, Ms. Scherman has not taken any political contributions from Mr. Moore through the last reporting period.
Detrick took the most $$$$ with over $12K recieved. They all took $$$$ and they all need to go.
All of you whining and complaining idiots sound broke to me. If you want to do something about it, work hard from the ground up like Gil Moore did and use your own money to influence decisions. Gil Moore has contributed much more good to this city than any of you wannabe social activists ever will. Now sit back and watch as Gil invests his own money into a development that creates construction and permanent jobs.
You're right,....and EVERY ONE is a minimum wage job, keeping our citizens living under the poverty line.
- The signs will be hideous and advertise how poorly our city is run to those passing through.
Oh yeah, I've invested in Elk Grove too, much more than Moore has. I have a home here (that is losing value). It's my biggest asset. Moore has many more assets than me, as he's shown the council. So shut up about me not investing in my city. My city is screwing me and everyone else that lives here if this sign modification passes.
Moore smarter than me, he wants to ruin Elk Grove while he rakes in the dough from his Mickey D's, all the while, he lives in a neighboring community unaffected by the crap he wants created.
-'Nuff said.
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