Starbuck To Report on Elk Grove Economic Development

Elk Grove Economic Development Director Randy Starbuck. On Wednesday night Elk Grove City Council Member's will hear a quarterly r...

Elk Grove Economic Development Director
Randy Starbuck.

On Wednesday night Elk Grove City Council Member's will hear a quarterly report from the city's economic development director.

Reporting to the council will be the city's economic development director Randy Starbuck who will provide an update on his department's activities for the the quarter ending Sept. 30.

According to a staff report recently posted, Starbuck will discuss among other items contacts made during the quarter, the city's Open to Elk Grove print advertising promotion and a new e-marketing initiative.

The posted report also shows that according to a information complied from three commercial real estate firms, the city's commercial office vacancy rate dropped from 32 percent in the fourth quarter of 2008 to 27 percent for the most recent quarter. This compares to Sacramento office vacancy rate that appears to have gone from 19 to 24 percent in the same period.

Wednesday nights meeting starts at 6 p.m. Starbuck's report will be the last item on the evening's agenda.

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