Two More Enter Elk Grove City Council Appointment Race

Assistant district attorney, business owner submit applications With the January 2 deadline quickly approaching, two more citizens have s...

Assistant district attorney, business owner submit applications

With the January 2 deadline quickly approaching, two more citizens have submitted applications seeking appointment to the fill vacancy on the Elk Grove City Council.

The vacancy was created when Gary Davis vacated the District Four seat after winning election as the city's first directly mayor. Submitting their applications last week were Edward Busuttil and David Glenn Connor.

Busuttil is an assistant district attorney with San Joaquin County and Connor is the owner of RECON Networking. According to information posted on the city clerk's website another citizen who previously applied, James White, did not have his voter registration confirmed.

The Elk Grove City Council could decide on an appointment as early as their January 9 meeting. To be appointed, the applicant must be approved by three of the four council members.

Others citizens seeking the appointment included Elk Grove Planning Commissioner Nancy Chaires, small business owners LaWanna Montgomery and Oscar O'con. Earlier this year during a Gary Davis campaign event Assembly Member Roger Dickinson said Chaires was ready to fill the vacancy should Davis win the mayoral race.

A forum conducted by the Women's League of Voters will be held at 6 pm on Saturday, January 5 at the Elk Grove City Hall.

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Anonymous said...

David Connor is a Board Member of the Sacramento Regional Builder's, Inc.

Can you say conflict of interest?

Anyone with ties or has developers as clients, as does Oscar O'con, must be clearly vetted and the citizenry needs to pay close attention to their special interests.

Builder Bob said...

You can bet the developers are doing their due diligence on all of the applicants, and will be providing their "marching orders" for who they want appointed. If it goes to election, they won't care, it just means they will have to write a few more checks is all.

It's the way it has always been and will always be in Elk Grove.

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