Mayor Davis to Speak to Region Builders on MLS Recruitment Effort

Davis to talk about building a stadium to house an MLS team Region Builders of Sacramento has announced that Elk Grove Mayor Gary Dav...

Davis to talk about building a stadium to house an MLS team
Region Builders of Sacramento has announced that Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis will be the featured speaker at their bi-monthly meeting in January.

In their event announcement the trade group urged members to "join us for an exciting Q&A event and learn about the two projects that will help shape our region's economic future.

Elk Grove is launching forward on its effort to land a major league soccer team and build a stadium. Come hear from Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis about the latest news with the project and the opportunities it will create."

Davis will offer his comments to the group at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 31 at their office located at 1331 T St., Sacramento.

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Charlie McCarthy said...

Keep the lights dim so no one can see the strings.

Anonymous said...

Is this open transparent government? How about having a conversation with the residents first? How about having this conversation and inviting the Region Builders to an Elk Grove Council meeting where residents could attend and hear the same information too without the $25.00 admission price tag.


Anonymous said...

And who is he working for ???

Tom said...

The only way a soccer stadium would be feasible is if a Casino and a State Prison would be attached.

Altos said...

IMO, Davis is already out of control and he's only been mayor less than a month. Those loyal residents who have supported him will now slowly disassociate from him as he moves forward.
Hang on, it's going to be a bumpy ride.

Anonymous said...

As far as I know Mr. Davis has never run a business, so that experience is lacking. Marathons, cleaning up parks and BBQ's does not put you in the league of big business. It seems all I hear are are Aquatics & MLS which provide minimum paying jobs. We need to think more about bringing in higher paying jobs...manufacturing for example. Someone with major experience once told me that when a city does not have a product going "out" you become nothing more than a ghost town. We have great access to major highways and airports...let's take advantage of that and get some good paying jobs in here. Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

When I grow up, I want to be a peanut vendor at the Elk Grove soccer stadium. Maybe he can give out peanut bags for his next campaign.

Michael Monasky said...

OK, here's the skinny on Davis.
He's a wannabe Steinberg.
Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg is Gary Davis' old boss.
It's only natural that Davis would want to emulate Steinberg.
Steinberg was co-chair with State Senator Ted Gaines on Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson's committee of the "Sacramento 60" to build the Kings Arena.
And the same players are involved.
This time they're calling themselves "Region Builders", aka Sacramento Regional Builders Political Action Committee (PAC).
That PAC includes area insurance, sheet metal, construction, legal, you-name-it-big-wigs in local Sacramento development and building.
Bill Porter's law firm runs it...he can slap a fast and mean mechanics lien, so you know that's why he's in charge.
Look at the legal mess the Lent Ranch/Promenade left us with.

Anonymous said...

Could that be why our
Mayor of 3-4 weeks didn't find it in his best interest to show up at the Candidates Forum last evening? He'll be voting on it Jan. 9th...might have been a good time for the residents of District 4 to have seen the Mayors face in attendance.

Glenn P said...

After all, it's because he didn't step down to run his mayoral campaign that we are potentially looking at a $500,000 special election cost to be born by EG taxpayers.

Perhaps Davis can subsidize a portion of the election cost with a $100,000 donation from his own war chest. That would be reasonable as he is the sole reason we are in this predicament.

His failure to attend the forum is truly inexcuseable.

How can he possibly sit on the dais and promote one candidiate over another when he has no idea about the five other candidiates and their qualifications, motives, and potential?


This issue is too important to be ignored by our newly elected mayor. I understand that all the other council members were present and paying keen attention to the comments made by the candidates. His failure to attend the only vetting of candidates shows his selfishness and true character.

Anonymous said...

The forum was webcast live and is on video for anyone to watch at a later time. Could it be that the Mayor was watching at home, or had a previous engagement with this family and would be viewing it closely in the privacy of his own home?

Were Cooper, Hume and Detrick present?

Billy Bats said...

If memory serve me right from my Sac State days, Mayor Davis ran a pizza parlor in the day. Hey, that's counts for something, right?

Anonymous said...

To "Anonymous" two posts above, I saw Detrick and Hume both in the audience.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Detrick, Hume and Cooper were in attendance. I heard many people ask them where Davis was. Their collective reply was "they didn't know." So, whether he was sitting on the couch with his wife and kids and watching from home is NO excuse...he wanted this mayor gig....he needed to be there. This entire mess was orchastrated by Davis for not stepping down when he had the chance...the lest he could have done was show up for the vetting of possible replacement member. Perhaps he already knows who he is voting for and has no interest in transparency.....Davis is off to a rocky start..this will be a slow torture for the rest of us.

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Mayor Davis' absence was conspicuous. Not unlike Dick Cheney when he said he had "better thing to do" when asked about not serving during the Vietnam war.

Like Cheney, Davis is what we called a "chickenhawk" in the day - willing to sacrifice someone else's hide but not his own!

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