City Hears Suggestions, Fields Questions on Elk Grove's Upcoming Annual Budget

With the city's fiscal year entering its final quarter and the new fiscal year set to start on July 1, the City of Elk Grove held th...

With the city's fiscal year entering its final quarter and the new fiscal year set to start on July 1, the City of Elk Grove held the first of two planned budget workshops last night to gather public comments as they formulate the city's 2013-2014 budget.

Wednesday night's meeting, which was held at the Pavilion at Elk Grove Regional Park, was conducted by city budget director Katy Baumbach who explained the sources of revenue and expenses involved in the city's approximately $157 million annual budget. Baumbach noted that city's largest source of revenue is derived from sales taxes while public safety is the largest expense.

After her presentation, Baumbach opened the discussion seeking comments on what residents would like to see included in next year's budget.

Elk Grove resident Wade Evans said that he would like to see social services such as funding to the Elk Grove Food Bank become regular line items.

"I do volunteer at the [Elk Grove] food back so yes, I do like feeding people," Evans said. "I think it would be great if the food bank was a line item on the the Elk Grove budget."

City manager Laura Gill noted that at the March 27 city council meeting there will be a discussion of city grants to the various community service foundations.

Gill and Elk Grove Police Chief Robert Lehner also discussed possible affects the Federal budget sequester might have on the city's budget for next year. According to Gill most of the money the city receives from the Washington DC is for public safety.

Lehner said the the sequester will not affect the multi-year grants the city has already been awarded but have not fully funded. Lehner said it could affect grants the city might apply for in the future.

"Future grants are in trouble anytime there is a major reduction," he said. Lehner noted that the grant money in Elk Grove has not typically used grant money for personnel cost.

On the positive side Lehner said the passage of Proposition 30 last November is beneficial to law enforcement agencies statewide and the passage of the Violence Against Women act which President Obama will sign later today, will have grants for domestic violence prevention which the city has previously participated in.

By law the city is required to have a balanced budget approved and in effect by July 1. The city's second budget workshop will be held at 6:30 tonight at the Wackford Center, 9014 Bruceville Rd., Elk Grove.

Photo - Elk Grove Budget Director Katy Bambach listens to audience suggestions during the city's budget workshop.  

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Wake UP said...

Does this mean more money means more cops and more crime. Not doing such a good job now with what is going on. But they are doing a good job giving out Tickets..

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