Elk Grove Seeks To Have Housing Element Plan Completed By End of '13

As part of Elk Grove's eight year housing element plan as required by the California Department of Housing and Community Developmen...

As part of Elk Grove's eight year housing element plan as required by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), a workshop was held yesterday afternoon at City Hall to gather public comments on the report the planed to be reviewed by the Elk Grove City Council this June.

The process is driven by HCD which formulates regional housing needs. For Elk Grove, those housing needs are derived from the Sacramento Area Council of Governments.

According to the information presented at the workshop, Elk Grove's share of regional housing over the next eight years has been determined to be an additional 7,402 new housing units between now and 2021.

Of these new units (does not include unoccupied current housing units) there are five housing classifications based on income categories. Those classifications included extremely low income, very low income, low income, moderate income and above moderate.

Below find the income categories and the percent of housing unit (our of the the 7,402 new units) that city must plan for.
  • Extremely low income $0 - 22,850           1,018 units      13.75 percent     
  • Very low income $22,851 - 38,050          1,017                13.74
  • Low income $38,051 - 60,900                 1,427                19.28
  • Moderate income $60,901 - $91,300      1,377                 18.6
  • Above moderate > $91,300                       2,563               34.63
During the session Elk Grove Planning Director Taro Echiburu explained that the city must provide the means for accommodating the various housing classifications and said that is done primarily through zoning. The city has also provided subsidies for the construction of high density housing for the lower income categories.

According to Echiburu, if the city does not provide the means for the new units, the legal remedy  is covered by California's so-called anti-NIMBY law
During the workshop several participants expressed concern that among other things the plan does not allow inclusion of existing vacant units, that several high density developments are not located within easy walking distance of services and that the three level apartments meant for lower income families do not include elevators thereby effectively excluding physical disabled people. Participants also urged to plan for walkable communities and to see what is being done in several East Bay cities.
It is expected the Planning Commission and City Council will both hear the plan in June prior to submission to the HCD. Based on HCD action, the plan is expected to be adopted in December.

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Festival City said...

What about work/live units? Double-decker food trucks where you can sell food below and live upstairs!

Anonymous said...

Festival City, you sound like a broken record. What is it with you and the food trucks? Try giving it a break.

Festival City said...

Poster above, just echoing the Mayor's new gig for economic development. Nice use of a million dollar piece of property that you and I bought. Complain to the source.

Anonymous said...

Late breaking news...according to the Citizen, it has a name now: Old Town Plaza! We're on our way to becoming a destination city now!

John said...

It's had a sign calling it Old Town Plaza for awhile now. And for the record, I'm another one tired of Festival City's constant comments about the food trucks. And I plan on being there tomorrow night.

Festival City said...

It's too bad that the struggling mom and pop restaurants in town that must pay rent on their buildings don't have the same benefit of taxpayer subsidized "plaza" land, and city paid advertising flyers. I'm just sayin'.

John said...

The "Mom and Pop" restaurants in Old Town have already said the food trucks are NOT hurting their business. Nice try Festival City.

Festival City said...

Who'se talking only about Old Town? There's a whole city of struggling restaurants. The City doesn't revolve around Old Town. Our tax and spend democrat leaders know nothing about managing a business--just feeding from the public trough. Peace out...

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