Sac Bee's Poll Doesn't Bode Well For Elk Grove MLS Prospects

July 25, 2013 |  In an unscientific poll currently being conducted on the Sacramento Bee's sports page, that website's re...

July 25, 2013 | 

In an unscientific poll currently being conducted on the Sacramento Bee's sports page, that website's readers overwhelmingly support a Sacramento-based MLS team.

The daily poll on the Bee's sports page Leading Off feature, readers were asked the following question:

Where should an MLS team in the region play?

Elk Grove
Either is fine
I don't care for soccer

As of 10 p.m tonight, the results for Elk Grove were not encouraging.

Elk Grove - 132 votes; 8 percent
Sacramento - 1178 votes; 75 percent
Either - 147 votes; 9 percent
I don't care for soccer - 105 votes; 7 percent

Granted this is an unscientific poll, but it does provide a gauge of what at least 1,562 Sacramento Bee and presumably regional sports fans think. Although it is unlikely there will be any change to the trend, we will provide an update tomorrow.

On the bright side, at least Elk Grove didn't come in last.

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Tom said...

I doubt that our politicians will be confused by these or any other fact and will proceed with their foolish idea full steam ahead.

Anonymous said...

Personally I am not a soccer fan but I realize the changing demographics make this sport viable. I don't think however Elk Grove taxpayers should subsidize what the promoters say will be a huge regional draw. Let Sacramento take the risks.

Lynn said...

This mornings Bee has an article about soccer stadium. "Elk Grove officials are negotiating with landowners to purchase property for an MLS stadium and Nunez's group is recruiting a deep-pocket investor to help finalize its bid for a team" Where is the money coming to purchase the land? I didn't see it in this years budget...was it hidden somewhere. It will most likely come out of the reserves..and our city manager did say in the next couple years our budget might not look as good as it did this year....the council has been drawing off the reserves the past couple years...nothing going back in...."the rainy day fund" is going down and not up. I most certainly hope a big storm does not hit our city.

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