Deja Vu All Over Again For Elk Grove Congressional Race

July 20, 2013 | With Dr. Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove) barely half-way through his first year of his Freshman term representing California's...

July 20, 2013 |

With Dr. Ami Bera (D-Elk Grove) barely half-way through his first year of his Freshman term representing California's 7th Congressional District, Republican challengers are making the rounds and more importantly, lining up cash in a what ought to be another hard fought and expensive race

Because he defeated Republican incumbent Dan Lungren by a slim margin last year, Bera is viewed as vulnerable and is targeted by the Republican National Congressional Committee (RNCC). Bera is such a target that the RNCC currently has his picture on their front page.

Republican Elizabeth Emken.
In his run to unseat Lungren, Bera's campaign not only was supported by the Democratic National Congressional Committee, but he proved to be a prolific fundraiser. During the time leading up to his victory, Bera regularly send Email blasts on his ability to out-raise his opponent.

If imitation is flattery, Bera should be flattered that one his challengers, Republican Elizabeth Emken has torn a page from his playbook. Emken, who lost in a landslide last November to Sen. Dianne Feinstein and Congressman Jerry McNerney in 2010, has Emailed about her recent fundraising successes.

According to her correspondence, Emken, who is running on an anti-Obamacare platform, raised over $300,000 in the first quarter of 2013. So far Emken is the only declared challenger to Bera but others, including former Congressman Dough Ose and Rep. Tom McClintock's chief of staff Igor Birman have expressed interest. 

Emken has already appeared in Elk Grove speaking to the Cosumnes Republican Party in early May. An audio of her presentation is available here. 

In the 2014 midterm races, expect Elk Grove once again to be in the national spotlight. 

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Silent Dogood said...

Read the FEC filing closer and you will see that Emken continues to just be a pretender when it comes to being a political candidate. She only raised $51K not $301,000. The rest came from the typical political money game of donating to yourself to make it look like you have more money. She "loaned" her campaign $250,000.

This career candidate has never been successful running for office in the bay area, she came in 4 out 5 in her first congressional race then got steam rolled by Feinstien. So what does she do? She searches for a district that she thinks will be easier for her and moves her whole family so that she can run for office again. She has been running and raising money since February and she only raised $51K in one of the most competitive districts in the nation.

This is not a credible candidate.

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