Elk Grove City Council to Consider Raising City Manager Pay to $240,315

July 20, 2013. | The Elk Grove City Council will consider increasing the pay of city manager Laura Gill by total of five percent at the t...

July 20, 2013. |

The Elk Grove City Council will consider increasing the pay of city manager Laura Gill by total of five percent at the their meeting this Wednesday night.

According to a staff report, Gill's five percent increase would be comprised of a 2.6 percent consumers price index (CPI) increase and 2.4 percent based on merit. 
City manager Laura Gill.

In the report prepared by human resources manager Laura Brunson, Gill was is reportedly contractually eligible to receive a five percent increase based on her recent employee performance review and the CPI increase, but requested a total of five percent.

If the council approves the increase, Gill's annual monetary compensation will raise from $228,871 to to $240,315. Items placed on the council consent agenda are expected to be routine and non-controversial.

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Former City Employee said...

Gill is getting a raise. Are you serious? Issue her a pink slip instead! Too bad the city council doesn't see and hear what city employees see and hear, and worse are subjected to, the real Laura Gill!

Anonymous said...

Rich getting richer. Poor getting poorer.

Capt. Benjamin L. Willard said...

Ms. Gill works, but to the best of my knowledge but does not live in, a city that pays her nearly a quarter millions dollars and yet we have NGO's operating in our destination city (yes an NGO - a term more closely associated with the Third World) such as the Elk Grove Food Bank that are arm-twisted to do the bidding for Wal Mart to sell more booze to further drive down wages down for employees so they [the food bank] can get the funds needed for their seemingly growing demand for services.

Call me a crazy codger, but in my view there is something seriously wrong with this picture. Maybe I just need to get laser focused.

Someone who used to care said...

This is absurd. This woman is hated by her staff, doesn't even live in this county, much less our city, is rude and disingenuous to the public on a regular basis and is solely responsible for running off the citizens who used to attend the city council meetings because they cared about the future of the city.

This council continues to disappoint on a level that the original council did.

Time for wholesale changes.

Anonymous said...

The first time that I met Ms. Gill she was very rude and classless. She hasn't changed much since then, but I'm just a poor tax payer so my opinion doesn't matter.

Not the Magic Kingdom said...

In a council-manager form of government, Laura Gill, as Elk Grove’s city manager, is the Queen. She rules our fair city whether we peasants like it or not. She has very much succeeded with her pearls and her Southern accent, blinking her eyes as she talks as if to mesmerize the five dwarfs up on the dais to get them under her iniquitous spell.

So we lowly subjects can see it now come Wednesday night, as the clerk court jester calls for the consent calendar to be approved, Queen Gill will look in to her computer monitor starring ever so smugly and say to herself, “Monitor, monitor on the desk, who’s the fairest of the them all?”

But in our kingdom, the fable has a different ending for the Citizens Grimm. Picking up the shiny apple Gill has left at the dais for each one of her little men, taking a bite, Gary “Doc” Davis,” Steve “Dopey” Detrick, Jim “Grumpy” Cooper, Pat “Sneezy” Hume and Robert “Sleepy” Trigg will vote to give her more gold.

Jill said...

To bad at least one of our five MALE council members can't grow a set and at least question things. We really need to elect at least one woman to the council. Better yet, two or three. Do you hear us Nancy?

Anonymous said...

In a city that houses a fair share of federal, state, city and county workers who have not had raises since 2008; we are going to consider giving our city manager a 5% raise? Worthy or not we cannot afford this. What would be the consequence of her not receiving this raise? Would she look for employment elsewhere? It is a competitive market; if she can convince another government/ private firm to hire her for more; then so be it. But until this economy gets on solid ground, we should take a very long and hard look at such a raise.

Anonymous said...

It is a known fact that the shelf life of most city managers is five years. I would venture to guess that no other city is beating down Laura Gill's door to hire her away from Elk Grove.

As one council member said, "She cannot take us to the next level."

Anonymous said...

We had a woman on the council. Do you think she would of voted down Gill's raise? Yeah right. But never fear. Look closer at the agenda for how her raise will be payed for. The water and trash bill "naughty list" says that if you owe the city a whopping ten or eleven dollars, your property gets liened. That's right, folks. Don't you dare owe the city less than the cost of a lunch a McD's because they are serious. They have a city manager's who need a raise. What happens if you owe them $20 - they take your first born?

Anonymous said...

Your right 16:58. I looked at that item and it looks like a list of amounts owed to the city for there utility bill. And I see 11.00, 13.00, 10.00. How is that possible? My bill is in the range of 60.00 so that must mean that I can miss one payement or be short 10.00 and and have my house liened? This can't be right. Something is really wrong here.

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