Gantan Gets Five Years in DUI Death Drive

October 25, 2013 | In a sentencing hearing this morning in Department 42 of the Sacramento Superior Court, 23-year old Heile Gantan w...

October 25, 2013 |

In a sentencing hearing this morning in Department 42 of the Sacramento Superior Court, 23-year old Heile Gantan was sentenced to five years in state prison for her role in the May 29, 2011 vehicle accident that killed 20-year old Oscar Ivan Camero of Elk Grove. Gantan was convicted on September 19 of drunk driving, drunk driving causing injury and gross bodily injury.

Prior to sentencing by Judge Allen Sumner, the overflowing courtroom heard victim impact statements from Camero's parents who offered differing opinions on sentencing.

Orlando Camero said he wanted to make sure that the death of his son Oscar was not in vain and urged a shorter sentence for Gantan. Camero said he would like to seen Gantan and co-defendant Ladonna Torres, whose sentencing for conviction of leaving the scene of an accident was continued until November 25, receive shorter sentences and perform community service warning youth about drunk driving.

"Then my son's life will not be in vain," he said. "If one life can be saved."

Addressing the court while fight backing tears, Yolanda Camero expressed grief and anger towards Gantan and Torres noting they both left him in the car driven by Gantan that flipped causing her son's death.

"These two women killed my son," she said. "It was not an accident."

During his comments Sumner acknowledged the difficulty of this case noting that prior to Camero's death Gantan was active in school, church and various civic groups. Sumner also noted the death of a young person and the effects it has on his friends and family.

"The word tragedy is used in this building a lot," Sumner said. "This time I think it is apt."

Gantan also read a statement expressing remorse to Camero's family and friends.

"Oscar didn't deserve what happened to him," Gantan said. "His opportunity stopped because of my misjudgement."

While Deputy District Attorney Kari Reeve argued for the maximum sentence of seven years and defense attorney Don Masuda urged probation, Sumner sentenced Gantan to a total of five years, with the two two-year convictions to be served concurrently. Sumner noted Gantan left the scene of the accident and during the trial refused to accept her role in Camero's death. 

Because the conviction is considered a violent crime, Gantan will be remanded to the state prison authority. 

Asked after the hearing if Gantan would appeal the conviction, Masuda said, "It's up to her family."

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Anonymous said...

Heile Gantan deserves way more than 5 years. Everyone makes mistakes and it was an accident, but after lying on Oscar's name and putting all the blame on Ladonna saying that she spiked her drink she needs to stay in jail for at least 10 years. Own up to your mistakes. Showed what kind of person she is.

Anonymous said...

if she was really sorry, she wouldnt have lied... she needs to own up to her mistakes.

Anonymous said...

I feel really sorry for you Heile, but I love you, back before all of this and now I'll support you!

Anonymous said...

Do some searching on the internet and it's clear Heile is lying about never drinking. Hope she comes to terms with her actions while she's sitting in prison

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