Tomorrow's Sacramento LAFCo Meeting May Determine Elk Grove's Future

November 5, 2013 | At tomorrow's meeting of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), how Elk Grove will develop o...

November 5, 2013 |

At tomorrow's meeting of the Sacramento Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCo), how Elk Grove will develop over the next several decades might well be determined.  

After years of development and over $1 million expended by the City of Elk Grove with collaboration from affected landowners, real estate developers and building trade unions hoping to cash in, the city's so-called sphere of influence (SOI) application to put 8,000-acres under its purview will be heard by the seven member LAFCo panel. Approval of an SOI application is the first step any local governmental entity in California must be granted prior to annexation.      

While the city has sought and recently reaffirmed its desire to annex 8,000-acres, a recent LAFCo executive staff report recommended a down-scaled SOI at 4,000-acres. 

Throughout its plan development, the city has downplayed annexation and future residential development of the proposed SOI area and has steadfastly  portrayed it as a long-range planning tool, while a variety of environmental groups and Elk Grove residents have expressed skepticism about the the city's true motives. Environmentalist have warned should the SOI be approved, it will have negative effects on the Cosumnes River floodplain while numerous Elk Grove residents have expressed concern on a variety of quality of life issues including air quality, sprawl and increased traffic.

Tomorrow's meeting will start at 5:30 p.m and will be held at the Sacramento City Hall, City Council Chambers, 915 I St.     

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35th Safest City in the U.S. said...

The home builders and strip mall developers have a lot riding on this. If the City doesn't pull this one out of the hat, political heads could roll next election?

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