What is the Real Function of Governments Like Elk Grove? Part I

November 1, 2013 | During the October 9, 2013 Elk Grove City Council meeting, Public Works Director Richard Shepard made a presentation...

November 1, 2013 |

During the October 9, 2013 Elk Grove City Council meeting, Public Works Director Richard Shepard made a presentation examining the current and future potential state of roads the city is responsible for maintaining.

While Shepard's presentation and the council's discussion lasted about 24 minutes, for those concerned about how this one important aspect of Elk Grove life will look in 20 years from now, the video is worth viewing.

Using this and the discussion from the October 23 city council meeting regarding animal control services in the city, in Part II of this series we will look at what functions beyond public safety we believe the city really needs to focus on. 

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Connie said...

Can’t pave our streets with good intentions. Has anyone been on Waterman Road between Sheldon and Bond Roads lately? We want to grow our city's boundaries, but we cannot afford to maintain the streets we have. Something is amiss here.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if all our funds have been used wisely in the past..were they perhaps used for some of our politicians schemes or dollar guzzling green agenda? I believe we had a tax increase just one year ago and now they may want another 1/2 cent tax increase? You won't get a YES vote from me even if I have to use an all terrain vehicle to get around.

Yea, that's a great idea to expand our boundaries. When questions outweigh answers, something is amiss ...

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