With a Year Until Elections, Cooper Ramps Up For Assembly Race

October 31, 2013 | With one year until next November's general election and about seven months to the June primary, Elk Grov...

October 31, 2013 |

With one year until next November's general election and about seven months to the June primary, Elk Grove City Council Member Jim Cooper ramped up his Assembly campaign apparatus with a fundraiser at McConnell Estates Winery on Tuesday night.

Cooper, who was first elected to the city council upon Elk Grove's 2000 incorporation and is the only original member still serving, is seeking the Ninth District California Assembly seat. That seat is currently occupied by fellow Democrat Dr. Richard Pan who is running for the state senate.

In comments to his supporters and friends, Cooper expressed appreciation and thanked those in attendance as well as others who have assisted him through the years. Cooper noted that the campaign is swinging into high gear and that the ground game will be crucial for voter turnout given that it's a non-presidential election.

"It really comes down to having a good ground campaign," he said. "And right now we are getting it geared up and we will start walking later this month."

Among those in attendance were Elk Grove's Vice Mayor Steve Detrick and Planning Commissioner Nancy Chaires.

Cooper will be facing two other Democrats and one Republican in the June primary. Under California's new campaign law, the top two finishers will compete in the November election regardless of party affiliation.

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Silent Dogood said...

There are more than two other Democrats, in fact another high profile Democrat just announced yesterday. It looks like the party leaders are not sold on Mr. Cooper. Daryl Fong, Sacramento City Council, is the front runner and you have two Latina women, one a Sacramento School Board Member, and the newest entry was the first Latina to be named a General Officer in the California National Guard.

There are not enough Democratic votes in this district to support 4 high profile and one other Democrat running. It will be interesting who actually files papers to run and isn't just "exploring" their options.

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