Elk Grove Planning Commission Vacancy Draws 22 Applicants

January 3. 2013 | At next Wednesday's Elk Grove City Council meeting, Mayor Gary Davis will not be lacking for city residents seeking ...

January 3. 2013 |

At next Wednesday's Elk Grove City Council meeting, Mayor Gary Davis will not be lacking for city residents seeking to fill the current vacancy. According to information posted today, there are 22 Elk Grove residents who applied and have been deemed to meet the qualifications.

Below is a complete list of all qualified applicants.

Click to enlarge.

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Uncle Joe said...

Dan you're starting off the year red hot, on a roll. You should get to Vegas to roll those bones before you cool off.
Your article recapping the past year was right on, esp the "W/E @ Bernie's" reference.
Now your article on Hume outfoxing Davis is right on as well.
As for this PC appointment, the writing is on the wall. Congratulations Norm!

Gary can't wait to appoint his minority buddy and chief cheerleader to the PC. Another political favor reaped on personal friends (see Detrick / Gill Moore for previous example).

I dare you to prove me wrong Gary. Go ahead.

Anonymous said...

Selecting anyone outside of District 2 would be foolish. If he does, I expect him to lose all support of the money in that district - of which there is a lot!

Anonymous said...

Since District 2 is no longer represented on this board, it seems only fair that someone from that District be appointed. Mayor Davis now lives in District 2 so perhaps his new found love of this area requires him to select someone from the rural area so that all district have some voice in planning projects. Well, it does seem the only fair way to go....let's see what the mighty Mayor does? Is it appoint someone from the left behind district or move in a developer friendly contributor? The move is all his. The outcome could (and should) rattle some cages if the appointment even smelly fishy. Gary...please remember votes are culled from all districts....equal representation on each board is essential.

Sarah Johnson said...

We need a person with a skill set that will make them a good Planning Commissioner. NO POLITICS!! They must understand zoning and land use planning fundamentals because that is what this is all about. This is why Sophia would have been such a disastrous choice.

Anonymous said...

While I do not know many of the applicants, I do believe that being a 3 - 5 year resident of the city to be critical in the decision making process. As for the "Politics," well good luck on that one!

Willie in Wilton said...

If the Ron Suter is the same Ron Suter who worked for the Sacramento Dept. of Recreation, avoid him. This guy will do nothing but drag his feet and fully embrace developers. I can't tell you how many meetings the Ron Suter from Sacramento County held in Wilton promising us a park and of course we ever got it.

Anonymous said...

I have attended city counsel meetings for many years and have never seen Ron Suter at a single meeting. Why the sudden interest in city activities?

New Blood Needed said...

Gary Davis needs to appoint someone the total opposite from his first appointment. We had a chance to get Frank Maita off the planning commission, and for whatever reason, Davis just couldn't appoint someone not tied to Sophia Scherman.

Maita's arrogance is off the charts. One example: The way Maita acted over the Shell Station in Old Town was despicable and good for the owner, Dale Miles, to have the guts at a council meeting to call Maita out.

There are many more examples but this is the one that stands out.

Anonymous said...

Although I agree with Sarah that a Planning commissioner needs to have some understanding of zoning codes, general plan, etc...but those skills can be acquired. I doubt George Murphey had much knowledge in the way of codes, etc..however George has educated himself over the years and can claim to be a resident whose only motivation is to serve his city. No agenda; no financial interest; no political ties; just a resident who has worked hard to become one of the more educated and well rounded commissioners we have. So, even without a tremendous amount of knowledge in zoning codes, etc, one can be appointed and make a great contribution to the city if only their heart/ pocketbook were in the right place. I would take a less qualified resident any day then one of Davis's political cronies.

Sarah Johnson said...

I agree, George Murphey is a perfect example of the kind of person we want. He works hard at the task, studies the project details, and understands what his role is with no agenda, no politics, only the interest in doing a good job of being a Planning Commissioner.

Steve L said...

I agree with the above two posters completely. No politics, no agendas, just an objective, hard worker. Living in Dist II would certainly be preferred.

I hope Gary can put politics aside and do the right thing for the city.

Anonymous said...

I would like to see Jerry Braxmeyer. He ran a good campaign his first time out with some good ideas about returning Elk Grove to its rural roots. He couldn't compete with the developer bought Davis or Scherman but coming in third his first time out obviously he has support and he lives in District 2.

Anonymous said...

Plain and simple - Appointments are political. If they weren't, you'd find the selections made by the City Manager. Every frontrunner for this position carries some political downside for Davis. If we were to consider Braxmeyer a frontrunner, which I don't, Davis would lend credibility to someone who has declared candidacy against him in 2014.
He's got some good choices available in District 2 - we'll just see where he goes politically... All that said, the worst decision he could do is to go outside District 2.

Connie said...

Historically speaking, not all planning commissioners have resided in the district they represent. Quite the contrary, Pat Hume initially stayed with Paul Lindsay, who does live in District 2, and then appointed Brian Villaneuva, who resided in District 4.

Gary Davis, from District 4, from the onset of being elected appointed George Murphey who resides in District 2. The same with Steve Detrick’s appointee, Sparky Harris resides in District 1; so currently District 3 has no representative who resides in that district on the planning commission. With the new district lines, Frank Maita also now resides in District 2.

In the interest of full disclosure, I reside in rural District 2 and would like to see an appointee who does understand the rural lifestyle, its importance, and especially because of what lies ahead for the town of Sheldon.

Additionally, we also need a new commissioner who is strong enough to be fair, who will listen to all who come before them, understands the position and won’t give in to political pressure.

But the sad reality is that we have asked for those same qualifications in the past and have been disappointed.

Anonymous said...

Most likely be another "shootout at the OK Corral" like we witnessed last year. Our council can never seem to do anything professionally. Always have to insert their little game playing tactics into the process. Perhaps even nominate someone who didn't apply, all for the sake of argument.

But I'll be on the sidelines in case they deadlock...dressed fit to kill, media waiting and ready to be sworn in. I'm reading up on the duties of a Planning Commissioner now so I'll be ready to roll Thursday evening for that biggie...low income housing! WOW...that's gonna be a biggie for my first night since I haven't a clue right now how the council would want me to vote.

Anonymous said...

Got it. Based on these comments being a resident of district 2 is the most important criteria. So why is district 2 more important than all the others? Based on Connie’s comment it looks like district 2 already has 2 Commissioners. I'll take anybody with a brain and a soul if they have the best interests of Elk Grove in mind.

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