Was Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis' 'Ball Hog' Tweet Helpful?

August 8, 2014 | In the days since the announcement that the Sacramento Kings ownership group is interested in acquiring a pie...

August 8, 2014 |

In the days since the announcement that the Sacramento Kings ownership group is interested in acquiring a piece of Sacramento Republic FC in hopes of luring a Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise to the area, there have been a flurry of reports and speculation about that possibility.

Not to be outdone, and to show that he still has his foot on the matter, Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis and his soccer supporters weighed in on the matter in recent days.

First there was a report on KCRA where Davis suggested that Sacramento has its hands full with the downtown arena and should leave it to Elk Grove. There was also a report in the Sacramento Business Journal where Davis' soccer partner Fabian Nunez said that Elk Grove is still in the hunt for an MLS expansion franchise.   

Aside from telling Sacramento Mayor Ken Johnson and his group that "they ought to keep their eyes on that ball  [Sacramento Kings] and keep their feet off of ours," Davis took to social media to argue his case.
In what can be best described as aggressive-passive message, Davis broadcasts the above message on Twitter that calls Johnson a ball hog, but then after calling him out, asks for his cooperation.

So is the Mayor's act that of someone painted into a corner, an act of desperation? Or is Davis simply defending the honor, not to mention the effort already devoted to the project, of Elk Grove?   

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Phillip Parsons said...

This profoundly stupid idea needs to die. Hume and Trigg had the stones to vote against it. It's time for Detrick to stand up and give this the third strike.
Stop wasting money, Davis. While you're at it, stop using these little opportunities to promote your coffee shop... it's revolting.

Silent Dogood said...

The MLS commissioner clearly states that Elk Grove is not a suitable site for their expansion. He states they will only consider am Urban site, close to public transportation and other infrastructure. That leaves Elk Grove out.

Anonymous said...

Detrick flipped on this stadium idea. There must be something in it for him or a member of his family. That seems to be his own motivation on everything he does on this council these days.

All one has to do is listen to him, if you can stomach his poor use of the English language..

Someone please tell the man that "ALLS" is not a word!

Anonymous said...

Funny how Mayor Davis' s Cow Elks try and spin the heat off of Davis to the other council members. Those of us paying attention see through your BS or in this case CS.

Charles Barkley said...

This display by Mayor Davis is nothing, if not petulant. To paraphrase Lloyd Bensten, "I was a team mate of Kevin Johnson. I know Kevin Johnson. Kevin Johnson is a friend of mine. Mayor, you're no KJ."

Anonymous said...

I used to think that Davis had his ego in check especially when compared with that big self promoting blowhard Detrick. But it appears they are both now vying for the "Most Pompous Council Member Award!"

Anonymous said...

This project never had a chance. Stadiums in the burbs is so 20th century.

If Davis wants a stadium, how about a community baseball stadium/complex for youth and high school kids. Having weekly Friday/Saturday night games during the HS season would be an incredible experience for the kids and good for the community. Rumor has it that Scott Boras, superagent and EGHS grad, wanted to upgrade EGHS's baseball field with permanent grandstands. Maybe he'd be interested in helping build "Scott Boras Stadium". I think his ego might like that.

As to why this baseball nuts city hasn't built a first class little league complex is perplexing. Instead of spending countless weekends in Manteca or Roseville, how about getting those people to drive to EG. Build it at the old softball complex in the Park. Wouldn't hurt to do something nice for the old part of town.

Cow Elk said...

Hume tried to put an end to the soccer stadium idea with Trigg, of course, agreeing. However, Detrick flipped and one can only wonder why? What's in it for him, or as someone noted, for his family?

Time to just let it go.......

David W said...

The mayor and his antics make us look more and more like Hooterville.

Add in the big 75 foot signs and we'll become a truck stop, too.

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