Elk Grove City Council To Receive Wayfinding Sign Progress Report Next Week

September 15, 2014 | At the Elk Grove City Council's September, 24 meeting, a progress report on the city's wayfinding sign p...

September 15, 2014 |

At the Elk Grove City Council's September, 24 meeting, a progress report on the city's wayfinding sign project will be presented according to the city's public information officer.

As their name implies, wayfinding signs are meant to help out-of-town visitors find their way to various points of interest within the city. The project, which has been in the works for about two years, is part of the city's ongoing efforts to help develop the city as a tourist destination.

The program has been programmed into the city's 2014-2019 capital improvement program (CIP)and has been budgeted at $387,000. According to that report, the city had budgeted $117,00 for the fiscal year 2014, which ended on June 30.

At the May 28, 2014 city council meeting, Laura Gill reported that 20 fixed message signs would be in the first phase of the project. At that time Gill said they expected to put the project out to bid in July with an anticipated ordering and installations starting as early as this month.

The CIP programs $270,000 in fiscal years 2015-2016 for additional signs, including electronic message signs. 


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Anonymous said...

When are these out-of-town visitors scheduled to arrive? Might want to have someone use a weedeater first along the roadsides or they'll miss the signs. If they're like the ones at the auto mall where you have to stop to read them, we're going to have some major traffic jams on our streets.

I can just see it now....visitors cramming our streets trying to get that BigMac, watching the video and trying to decide what big event to go to first. MLS, Aquatics, Civic Center or pick up a puppy at the Animal Shelter. Poor residents can't go to anything..they're trying to pay those Bonds off the council placed on their heads for the rest of their lives. But we can look at those plaques placed on the front of the buildings free...Mayor Gary Davis, Jim Cooper & Steve Detrick. The ones with a VISION!

Anonymous said...

I work for a company that manufactures and installs wayfinding sign systems for cities across the country, and I must say - "anonymous" - your comment made me laugh.
Because even though hundreds of employees here feed their families from projects like this, I honestly struggle with how they are paid for.
The same with pro football stadiums. We do those, too. And I struggle with regard to those as well, because I don't know of a single stadium that has lived up to all of the promises made to the locals about job creation and economy boosting. (see, "Field of Schemes")

Anonymous said...

The signs in the auto mall are hideous. I am no marketer but the teeny tiny auto mall signs don't make me want to be a tourist in elk grove.

Anonymous said...

The signs above are a great addition. I would have never, ever thought to drive straight ahead to find all those car dealers in the auto mall. THANKS GOD for those signs.

Such a waste of money. On second thought, why is the city paying money to direct customers to the auto mall? Seems like the government is paying for advertisement for a private business. HUM??? Sounds fishy. My tax dollars at work so someone can find the Chevy dealer, REALLY?

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