Trashy Site Bordering Elk Grove Cleaned Up

September 10, 2014 | On August 17, we posted a video about a litter-strewn site on Sheldon Road and West Stockton Boulevard at the Hi...

September 10, 2014 |

On August 17, we posted a video about a litter-strewn site on Sheldon Road and West Stockton Boulevard at the Highway 99 overpass.

In the last week or so the weeds on the site have been cut and much of the litter has been removed. The City of Elk Grove told us they have determined that the weed and litter removal was done by the City of Sacramento.

It is hoped that the city requires outdoor trash cans at places like Moore's recently approved "one of kind its in California" gas station and fast food to avoid this sort of blight. We'll be watching.  

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Anonymous said...

Everyday I pass my Gil Moore, cash cow to the CC, I am amazed that nothing has been done to clean up this site. Where is our Fire Chief? For the past few days I see that Mr. Cooper has placed a sign 4' X 8' on this site. I would not want to have my sign located on such a dump!! Mr. Cooper has placed signs on the old apartment site so people can see his name when heading East. Now you know why an attempt was made to clean up some of the trash. Come on Elk Grove voters let's really clean up this City and get new CC members who care about the tax payers!!!

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