Still Time to Help 'Fall Harvest Food and Clothing Drive' For Elk Grove Food Bank

October 23, 2014 | With the holidays just around the corner, a food and clothing drive to replenish the shelves of the Elk Grove Fo...

October 23, 2014 |

With the holidays just around the corner, a food and clothing drive to replenish the shelves of the Elk Grove Food Bank is well underway.

Now through Monday, October 27, donations of non-perishable food items and clothes can be dropped off at several Elk Grove businesses listed here as well at the Elk Grove Food Bank

Requested food items include canned tuna, peanut butter, rice, beans, pasta and canned fruits and vegetables. Clothing items needed are gloves, socks (all sizes), hats, coats, scarves and sweatshirts. Personal hygiene items needed are toothpaste, toothbrushes, razors and shampoo & conditioners. 

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