Could Elk Grove Experience More Holiday Shoplifting as a Result of Prop 47?

November 20,2014 | On Tuesday, Elk Grove Police apprehended two shoplifting suspects who were believed to have stolen merchandise f...

November 20,2014 |

On Tuesday, Elk Grove Police apprehended two shoplifting suspects who were believed to have stolen merchandise from an area retailer. While this case was otherwise unremarkable, it did mark a first for local law enforcement.

The apprehension of these men marked the first time Elk Grove Police detained a suspect in relation to shoplifting, issued a misdemeanor citation, and then released him on his own recognizance. The issuance of the misdemeanor came as a direct result of the passage of Proposition 47.

"This was the first shoplifting arrest (without another crime being involved) that EGPD officers have made since Prop 47," Elk Grove Police Public Information Officer Christopher Trim said. 

Trim noted that EGPD operates a loss prevention program (LPO program) in partnership with several of the stores in the city that permits them to make citizen arrests for shoplifting, then issue the suspect(s) a misdemeanor citation if they are eligible. If the suspect is not eligible for a cite and release, EGPD would be contacted.

Trim said that there have been 15 citizen shoplifting arrests made by retail loss prevention officers since November 5. Comparative statistics for the same period last year were not immediately available.  

There has been widespread speculation several types of crimes will increase since people incarcerated have been released from prison, and the reduced penalties will not act as a deterrent. Trim said that to his knowledge, he was not aware of any security enhancements Elk Grove retailers are making in anticipation of an increase in shoplifting. 

Additionally, Trim noted EGPD traditionally ramps-up patrols in local shopping centers during the holidays. 

"The increased police presence will allow officers to focus on any suspicious activity occurring in and around shopping centers, which historically have experienced a seasonal increase in criminal activity," Trim said. "These increased patrols are not a result of Prop. 47."

The Sacramento branch of the American Civil Liberties union, a proponent of Prop. 47, was not immediately available to comment on its effects. One of its main selling points, which was approved by 58-percent of voters, was the potential cost savings that could be directed toward education. 

One critic of Prop. 47 is former Elk Grove City Council Member and California Assembly Member-elect, Jim Cooper. The retired Sacramento County Sheriff's Department Captain said he expects to see an increase in shoplifting and other property crimes now that many will now be misdemeanors. 

Cooper likened the issuance of misdemeanor citations to parking tickets and that those receiving them will ignore them and not appear in court. 

"The public was duped," he added.


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Harry Callaghan said...

The author of the article doesn't say it but my instincts tell me that the passage of Proposition 47 will bring more shoplifters to Elk Grove from south Sac which will in turn result in more purse snatchers and burglars coming in as well.

Proposition 47 decriminalized shoplifting that would previously been charged as a felony burglary if the shoplifter had intent to steal at the time that they entered the store.

The police, due to jail overcrowding are told to write citations (like a traffic ticket) and to not drive the shoplifters to the county jail in Sacramento. The county jail is over crowded due to prison realignment (Assembly Bill 109) which moves felons to the county jails statewide.

There are gangs of shoplifters that consist of shoplifters and get away drivers.

The people that accompany shoplifters might be inclined to move to more vulnerable and lucrative targets and commit strong armed robbery in shopping center parking lots.

They also will gain familiarity with Elk Grove and the various boulevards leading to and from South Sacramento. While driving around the criminals might learn about upscale neighborhoods that have homes that they will come back to burglarize down the road.

Anonymous said...

The criminals are getting dumb and dumber....

More criminals commuting from Sacramento to their job in Elk Grove.

Siting in a car at night in a subdivision under construction.

How stupid can you be?

Any cop driving by would investigate for construction materials theft.

This cop got lucky and got a drug pusher instead.

That will get him or her brownie points when it comes time for the annual performance review.

Time: 2107 hours
Report #: 14-008539
Charges: HS 11359
Location: Sheba Circle.

S-1 (Sacramento resident) and five other individuals were contacted while they were sitting inside a vehicle that was parked in an undeveloped residential area. Upon contact, the strong odor of marijuana emanated from inside the vehicle.

A search of the vehicle led to the discovery of a backpack belonging to S-1 that contained marijuana and indicia of sales.

S-1 was arrested the transported to the main jail.

Anonymous said...

As someone who is out a lot running errands I had 3 incidents this weekend when I felt uncomfortable with people hanging around in the parking lots. One even approached me after leaving my car with an apology for taking a parking spot I wanted...had no clue what he was talking about. First year that I have felt the need to be more alert on where I park & to watch for anyone hanging around when leaving or going back to your car. I've had self defense classes & have now put some of those ideas in use now. I might add that I would be considered a senior now..AARP says so anyway. Women, leave those purses at home. They're targets!

Walt Kowalski said...

I think this guy is a finalist for the Darwin Award.

Next he might try breaking into a house and get shot by the homeowner.

Time: 1502 hours
Report #: 14-008566
Charges: PC 666
Location: 8800 block of Calvine Rd.
Victim: KOHLS
S-1 (Sacramento resident) was detained by Kohl's loss prevention for shoplifting. An officer rrived and determined that S-1 was on probation. S-1 was arrested, then issued a misdemeanor citation and released.

Damian be smart and keep off my lawn!


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