Elk Grove Woman Robbed at Gunpoint on Driveway

November 17, 2014 | An Elk Grove woman was robbed at gunpoint on her driveway late Saturday morning. According to Elk Grove Polic...

November 17, 2014 |

An Elk Grove woman was robbed at gunpoint on her driveway late Saturday morning.

According to Elk Grove Police, the 60-year old victim drove home after using the ATM at the Bank of America on Laguna Boulevard and Franklin Boulevard, and parked the car in her Stonelake neighborhood driveway. As she was exiting, a new model four door Chevy with tinted windows and blue paper plates parked in front of the residence and an unknown male exited the car brandishing a handgun.

The suspect forcefully removed the victim's purse from around her neck. After stealing the purse, the suspect fled in the car. 

The suspect was described as a black male adult in his early twenties with thin shoulder length dreads and wearing a dark colored zip up hooded sweater. The victim was not injured in the robbery. 

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Anonymous said...

Thugs from south Sac invading Elk Grove?

Anonymous said...

Elk grove seems to be full of crime lately. Not someplace I'd want to live!

Anonymous said...

Wow; ignorant people still exist. Doesn't matter where you live or the color of your skin; this was a crime of circumstance. They saw an easy victim

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

We read of crime at the ATM, but to follow you home puts a whole different spin on it. Now the criminal has you in an area that could be more to his liking, with easy access to your vehicle and home.

I believe I read somewhere that she had her granddaughter with her.

Anonymous said...

No one is safe, even in Stonelake. Always stay on guard.

Anonymous said...

Crime happens everywhere people! This isn't about South Sac or thugs. What makes anyone think Stonelake should be different? Is it because they pay an extra $100K-$150K for their homes? If anything, richer neighborhoods are in the crosshairs, NOT off the map. Although many will call it excuses, the politics behind the systems in place that leave people unprepared and inexperienced in what it takes to feed their families are the types of things that lead to the overwhelming crime and violence our generation has come to know...but enough about politics. Pay attention to your surroundings and look out for your neighborhood! You see a strange face or car on your block? Take notice, take a picture, right down a license plate number...just do something. Our unwillingness to connect with each other creates openings that criminals will take advantage of. Someone follows ME home from the bank?...I now live at the police department! Just last week my neighbor called the cops on a car who seemed to be casing out houses to break into, and sure enough they were arrested while parked right in front of my house...and i live between a middle school and an elementary school right by target.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lets get real about welfare systems that breed dependency rather than responsibility, entitlement rather than gratitude and humility, and generations of people who know it as their only way to survive. people of all races and creeds involved here...not just "africans" No one has the right to rob others of their earnings No one sticking up for "thugs" Simply pointing out that in some respect we have developed a climate where it is ok to live off of dollars siphoned from other peoples hard earned tax money not for a short while to help u through a rough time but for generation after generation...no doubt what is happening is wrong in regards to both points made

Anonymous said...

Time to get your concealed weapon permit:


Anonymous said...

This is no way to live. We contribute to neighborhood patrol security company and alarms system for our home. What's next? Security camera. Guard dog? Staying on guard all the time is so exhausting. We shouldn't have to live this way.

Anonymous said...
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Former Boxing Champion Max Schmeling said...
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Anonymous said...

1st world problems. Seriously exhausting? You are a joke.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

We need to impeach obama. He is a traitor to this country. Take accountability for your people obama. If you had a son I'm sure he'd look like you.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this is related to Proposition 47 being just passed.

Anonymous said...

come to my house thug. i got something for you

Anonymous said...

all i can say is CCW, no need for this in laguna and hopefully they get pumped full of lead next time

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very unfortunate for the old lady. No matter how much we try to protect ourselves from robbery, buglary, or assault, sometimes shit just happen. People in need of cash will do whatever necessary to obtain it, even if it's morally wrong. Buy a few hand guns and learn to use it.

Walt Kowalski said...


Get off my lawn!


Anonymous said...

She probably voted for Prop 47 too, boom karma.

Anonymous said...

As someone who spent 8 years growing up in stonelake, and someone who has spent 15 years in elk grove I can assure you just because a thug is in the area doesn't mean he's from south sac,in fact going to both Toby Johnson and FHC I knew alot of kids who spent they're whole life in the laguna area who were thugs,point to what I'm saying:there's thugs in stone lake too not just south sac,and we need to be more aware of it,just because you live in a nice neighborhood doesn't mean nothing bad will happen to you,there's bad people everywhere....just blame obama

Anonymous said...

This is worrisome because it seems as though the women might have been followed from the bank to her home. I always use caution when using the ATM (looking around; moving quickly through my business; lock my doors immediately upon reentering my car....but if hoodlums are now following me to my next destination, this is chilling. I guess that means we need to be more proactive and more aware no matter where you are....whether it be EG, Sac, Rocklin, Roseville. If this is happening in EG, you be assured it is happeing in every neighborhood in our area. Crime does not stop at city borders.

Walt Kowalski said...


Are the thugs that live in Stonelake living in taxpayer subsidized Section 8 rentals?

So, I work hard, pay my taxes only to help someone who brings their thug kids into my neighborhood?


Anonymous said...

This is the reason to a CCW. I frequently draw large sums of cash from the bank and a guy like that can go to hell if he thinks he's going to rob me on my driveway. The only thing he would get from me would be a couple hollow points center mass. I never leave home without my gun now in elk grove for this reason.

Anonymous said...

Here is a nice gun that was developed specifically for the self defense market and appears to be targeted towards the female market.

Designed like a European car with smooth edges and ergonomics in mind.

Taurus "Curve" 9mm Semiautomatic Pistol with light and laser.


Anonymous said...

How can the two "visitors" from Sacramento steal $777 worth of merchandise from a Rite Aid?

Were they stuffing cosmetics or hearing aid batteries into the basket?

Can't think of anything that would be worth that much other than cosmetics and those small hearing aid batteries.

Heading south on Bruceville?

Were those rocket scientists headed to the Galt Flea Market to try to sell the stuff?

How Ghetto!

Anonymous said...

Here is another Brain Surgeon on the loose in Elk Grove:


Time to thin the herd!

Anonymous said...


Another "visitor" from Sac Town invading Elk Grove to commit shoplifting:

Elk Grove Shoplifter Found to Have Active Arrest Warrants

A shoplifter got a little more than she bargained for last Saturday after being arrested on suspicion of shoplifting.

According to Elk Grove Police, 20-year old Bayyinnah Drones of Sacramento was observed shoplifting at the Old Navy store on West Stockton Boulevard. After being detained, a responding police officer determined Drones also had an active warrant for her arrest.

Drones was arrested and booked into the Sacramento County Jail and is being held for violating terms of her probation.



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