Elk Grove Approves Region Builders Permit Simplicity Proposal

May 15, 2015 | At Wednesday night's regular meeting, the Elk Grove City Council unanimously approved a permit simplicity program ...

May 15, 2015 |

At Wednesday night's regular meeting, the Elk Grove City Council unanimously approved a permit simplicity program conceived by the Sacramento-based Region Builders advocacy group. 

The program will speed-up the issuance of building permits for a variety of tenant improvement projects. In the case of smaller projects, permits can be issued on a same-day basis for professionals who have been pre-qualified for inclusion in the program. 
Region Builders Executive Director Joshua Woods
discusses permit simplicity at the Elk Grove City Council

During his presentation to the council, city code enforcement officer Shane Diller said the program will include the normal follow-up building inspections and that if program participants are repeatedly found to be in non-compliance, their expedited permit issuance privileges will be suspended. The program start on July 1 with a one-year period. 

During council deliberations Vice Mayor Pat Hume noted the program will be beneficial for small businesses that operate on narrow margins, and are not use to the intricacies of the permitting process.

"It remains to be seen how much this program will be utilized, but the message we send is by adopting it, has already paid dividends," Hume said.

The program, which is also in the process of being adopted by Rancho Cordova, was brought forward by Region Builders and is based on a similar program in Phoenix. Elk Grove is believed to be the first city in California to adopt this and Region Builders hopes other cities will follow suit.

"By formally adopting permit simplicity, the Elk Grove City Council has sealed the deal on having the most expedient permitting process in the State of California," Region Builders Executive Director Joshua Woods said. "Word of this move will spread fast in the real estate industry and reap great rewards for the City."


May 15, 2015 |

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Anonymous said...

Why do we even bother with needing Permits for work done in our homes...like installing hot water heaters, A/C & furnace and the like if done by a licensed contractor. Inspections of new homes are done willy-nilly by the city anyway...making changes to the plans after the permits are issued & catering to the builders. This has cost some communities here in EG thousands of dollars...one being from what I hear the Pulte Del Webb community. Has anyone noticed all the trees that have been removed due to plantings over utility lines. I was told that is costing them thousands of dollars. Some of the trees were 5-6 years old and are being replaced for some reason with tiny, what looks like saplings. IMO they will never survive this drought and have to be replanted again. Another is the barracks on Civic Center/Big Horn. They had a cost override so was permitted by the city to downgrade the siding and it looks like h---.

Developers and Builders own this city so I expect nothing but tracts of cheaply built homes.

Anonymous said...


This place is becoming a big joke.

Why don't they pitch this to the producers of a reality TV show?

You could call the show "Low Times in the High Times".

"It's High Time to visit Elk Grove.

Our city's motto is "It's Grow Time".

How about bringing light industrial and office jobs to Elk Grove instead of more houses, low income housing projects and strip centers?

Miles and miles of houses thrown up during the start of a historically severe drought.

Thousands of low income housing projects to serve residents who have low pay retail and food service jobs.

Garish billboard signs to further glamorize this steaming dumpster fire of a city.


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