City of Elk Grove to Analyze, Pursue Unspecified Entertainment Facility

June 8, 2015 | The City of Elk Grove will be entering an exclusive negotiation agreement (ENA) to pursue development of an entertainm...

June 8, 2015 |

The City of Elk Grove will be entering an exclusive negotiation agreement (ENA) to pursue development of an entertainment center, according to this week's city council's consent calendar. 

The agreement between Elk Grove and Sacramento Area Event Facility Group, LLC, headed by Sacramento attorney Richard Hyde, will allow that group to analyze sites for potential entertainment sites and negotiate a franchise agreement regarding the development and use of an entertainment facility. The ENA prohibits SAEFG from developing a Major League Soccer facility or a regional soccer facility.

The report says "An entertainment facility has the potential to be an economic benefit to Elk Grove, as various sporting and entertainment events would attract visitors travelling from throughout and beyond the region [sic] would stay in the local hotels and eat in Elk Grove restaurants, creating an economic impact to the area."

The types of entertainment venues the city will pursue via the ENA, nor where or how such a facility would be funded if identified were specified in the report. Wednesday night's city council meeting starts at 6 p.m. 

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Anonymous said...

It appears this is a new entity, Filing date 5/20/2015. Who besides Mr. Hyde are part of this LLC?

Since anything related to SOCCER is off the table, exactly what venues would our leaders be seeking? Maybe Elk Groves own little WALLEY WORLD? What happened with that Jobs to Housing imbalance? I'm all for some "play time", after we get some jobs more than selling peanuts and popcorn. When are our electeds gonna stop trying to compete with Sacramento? GEEZ.......

Anonymous said...

Why don't they concentrate on bringing jobs to Elk Grove instead?

Anonymous said...

Didn't we just hire a new Economic Dev. Dir. to the tune of $146,000. or is he already gone?

This is NOT Las Vegas....get some darn jobs for this city and stop all this childish crap. We're never going to be the Entertainment Capital of Northern California.

Capt. Benjamin Willard said...

It would have helped if the staff report for this had discussed what type of entertainment venues they are to examine. Will it be for an arts center, or an extension of the splash park?

I would submit that it is this type of opaque communications, placed in the consent calendar no less, that time and again gets the city in trouble with constituents. Let's just hope this doesn't end up as another dust-gathering study lining bookshelves at city hall.

Anonymous said...

These INDISCRIMINATE LIP TO TAIL FEEDERS accept anything that comes their way, can't effort to be choosy. Fact is, this is the city where citizens lock themselves in their house because they don't want to cross path with the Elk Grove Polices. American ways of life as we all know have been washed down THE RIVER. Mayor Davis is not THE PEOPLE MAYOR! Chief Lehner is not THE PEOPLE POLICE CHIEF!

Whether this city will draw visitors in to boost city Economy is remain to be seen. We, the citizens wanted to treated THE DISEASE. Our City Leaders insist on treating THE SYMPTOMS.

Anonymous said...

Anyone walks into City Hall with some plans in hand and a big smile, our city is ready to deal. Our new name is no longer "GROW", it's "WHAT PRICE ELK GROVE."

I agree, that is a very vague Consent Item and should be pulled from the Agenda. Entertainment covers many topics...will it be Casinos, Burlesque, Bingo, Museums, Equestrian, Street Racing or maybe Tours of Famous Places in Elk Discount Stores! OR is this just another Binder to gather dust on a shelf? Do any of us ever hope to see anything FINISHED?

Anonymous said...

Richard Hyde is the registered agent for Northern California Soccer, LLC.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting, so we're actually negotiating with the Fabian Nunez Group under another spin-off LLC Group...."Sacramento Area Event Facility Group, LLC." Right?

Anonymous said...

Entity Number: 201514610232
Date Filed: 05/20/2015
Status: ACTIVE
Jurisdiction: CALIFORNIA
Entity Address: 1100 N ST STE 1-D
Entity City, State, Zip: SACRAMENTO CA 95814
Agent for Service of Process: RICHARD H HYDE
Agent Address: 1100 N ST STE 1-D
Agent City, State, Zip: SACRAMENTO CA 95814

Anonymous said...

Overview of Northern California Soccer, LLC, A California Limited Liability Company in Sacramento, CA

Filing Type: Domestic

Status: Active

State: California

State ID: 201135310250

Date Filed: Monday, December 12, 2011

Registered Agent Richard Hyde

Now read this December, 2011 article and note where it says "One of Núñez's partners in the project, Sacramento attorney Dick Hyde, etc., etc."

What can I say....FOLLOW THE MONEY! Hopefully one of our councilpersons will get this pulled from the Consent Calendar. Mayor Davis...whatcha got to say???

Anonymous said...

This Consent item should raise some serious red flags to all our hard working taxpayers. We just have to hope that one of our councilmembers will see this is not in EG's best interest and pull it with support of two others. Mayor Davis is drinking the Kool Aid again.....

Connie said...

Since the civic center is at least 15 years away, this must be all about justifying the soccer stadium. We know the majority of the Council is in favor of the youth sports fields, not so with the stadium, and rightfully so. First the stadium was 20,000 seats, then it was down to 9,000, then back up to 20,000 when the dais delirium set back in.

What we will hear from the study is that if the city builds this stadium, Elk Grove will get concerts, graduations, every event coming to the region will want Elk Grove as their first choice. Not going to happen and that is the cold reality.

Why this Council just can’t stick to the youth sports fields and make them the best they can be, it beyond me. As it is we will now have to compete with Roseville/Rocklin for those weekend tournaments.

Also, the city of Dublin has broken on its vast $36 million aquatics center and water park, but some residents want it scrapped because of the drought. It is interesting to note that this project has been in the planning stages for 10 years.

Weren’t we told at a Council meeting during a staff report that our aquatics center would be the only one in Northern California and that it would be Northern California draw? Now we will have to complete with Dublin.

Once again, it appears that not all information is being disseminated and we are left to do our own homework.

Connie said...

There must be something in the water at council meetings. Looks like Elk Grove isn't alone. But one logical comment that needs to be remembered from the dais was, "We need to stop focusing on these grandiose ideas and finish a project." Amen!

I apologize for the typos in my post above.

Anonymous said...

Just read what Sacramentos gunslinger, Barry Broome, had to say. What does Elk Groves gunslinger, Darrell Doan, have to say about what his vision is for us? Is he onboard with pursuing "Entertainment" as his No. 1 priority? Or was he maybe left out of the discussion?

Anonymous said...

what a joke!

Elk Grove as an entertainment center?

do you believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy?

Anonymous said...

Mayor Davis, we're wasting let's just cut to the chase and hire Fabian Nunez as our Entertainment Guru. Here I have thought all this time we needed some jobs and now I see I was wrong....we just need to be entertained.

Anonymous said...

What happened to "destination" city? LOL. Next idea is now "entertainment center"? What are these guys smokin'? How about reinvest in our neighborhoods; get crime under control; work with parks district to bring projects that fill a need; concentrate on the residents who live here. These "pie in the sky" project never seem to end and we've seen nothing brought to a conclusion. Just throwing good money after very bad ideas. I, for one, don't want nothing to do with Nunez or any of his secret partners. Why don't we concentrate on bringing healthy jobs to EG? Jobs with wages that can support a family? Jobs that are a career and not minimum wage starter jobs. Come on boys, stop with this nonsense; these dumb projects; his stupid ideas. Let's get back to the basics. PLEASE???

Anonymous said...

Entertainment can also include casinos, strip clubs, shooting ranges, pool halls, hookah lounges.

Mr. Henry F. Potter said...

Elk Grove never has been, nor will ever be like Bedford Falls, so I say, lets embrace Pottersville! Then we will have a real reason for people to visit "Da Grove".

Anonymous said...

When I hear and read that Nunez & his cronies are involved in any way with this city I have a CHILL! Just have to hope that our whole councils not drinking out of the same cup tonight.

Anonymous said...


You may be one to something here. However, the elephant in the council chambers tonight will be the word "soccer" cannot be mentioned. Look for the discussion to be something along the lines of, "We need a stadium for multipurpose uses."

But as we all know when they get to talking to hear themselves talk, one of them might slip and use the forbidden word!

Anonymous said...

Elk Grove has an exclusive agreement with Northern California Soccer toward landing a Major League Soccer franchise. This soccer agreement runs through next year.

It would seem that any mention of an Entertainment Facility at the above location would be a violation of that contract. They're just talking out of both sides of their mouths when we all know this is what they're speaking of. A Nunez and Hyde connection exists as proven above...does that not make for a hugh problem? Plus, I might ask...why is this a Consent item???? We need to hear from this Mr. Hyde and his qualifications/expertise in providing an Entertainment Complex thru 2020 and FREE too. What's his end payoff???

Anonymous said...

An attempt will be made to pull the item, but look for Ly & Suen to side with Davis and Detrick...?? where he will go. Sooo, we the taxpayers, lose again.

See where BASS PRO is ready to open in Rocklin...Elk Grove didn't follow through on that one and with local connections too! Typical...SOCCER on the brain.

Anonymous said...

Seems this passed with a 3-1 vote...Suen was absent.

My take on this....We have a contract with a Corp. to pursue Entertainment at no upfront cost, but could be travel, etc. later. Our newly hired Economic Dev. Director was hired 10 days ago whose job would be to bring businesses to EG and that would IMO include marketing "Our Quality of Life." One of those being Entertainment. Community development, such as Entertainment,etc. can contribute to economic development. Now we have two different enties in the mix, each most likely doing their own thing and very likely that new business hearing two different stories. IMO, our city council just Undercut our Director. Oh they'll say Mr. Hyde will work with the Director...when you work for the city for FREE rules just went out the door.

Anonymous said...

FREE? What a laugh, there's nothing about this that will be FREE. The contract states there is a 180 day cancellation clause...that's 6 months. Have any idea how much damage someone can do in 6 months? We also failed to hear what expertise this corp. had in pursuing Entertainment...also who else besides this Mr. Hyde is associated with SAEFG? Nunez???

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