The Elk Grove Promenade and Elk Grove Politicians - The Promise v. Reality

August 2, 2015 | Not unlike a politician making campaign promises about bringing jobs, there are the promises and then there is realit...

August 2, 2015 |

Not unlike a politician making campaign promises about bringing jobs, there are the promises and then there is reality.

A recent example is Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis and Councilman Steve Ly's campaign promise during the 2014 campaign that together, they would bring high-paying non-fast food jobs to Elk Grove. The reality is during their first year of being joined at the hip we will get a few more minimum-wages jobs at Gil Moore's "one of its kind in California" AM/PM gas station, McDonald's and Mickey's Malt Liquor cave, and maybe some increased fast food sales tax revenues from the invisible eyesore of a billboard recently erected billboard on Highway 99 between Bond Road and Elk Grove Boulevard.

Fortunately for Ly he wasn't on the council when both of the horrible decisions were made regarding Moore's neighborhood-unfriendly project or the gutting of the  highway billboard ordinance. But given Ly's he-hasn't-met-a-contributor-he-doesn't-like proclivity, we suspect he would have been part of the then-unanimous decision had he been on the city council.

As for Davis, he too can rightfully say that he wasn't on the council when the fateful decision to approve the Elk Grove Promenade was made. But since the time he has become the city's directly elected Mayor, Davis has made lots of promises about when construction on the shopping center would resume.

A little over a year ago Davis even told KCRA the shopping center could be open sometime this year. Well that clock too is clicking away to 2016.

So much for flying to Texas and putting a fire under the butt of the Howard Hughes Corporation, the shopping center's current owner. They, or who ever will end up owning the half-built ghost town of a shopping center, will build something out there only when they are damn well ready despite any supposed fire placed under their butt.

Below are two videos of the Lent Ranch Mall-Elk Grove Promenade-Outlet Collection at Elk Grove - one is the promise and the other is the reality. 

Not only is the Elk Grove Promenade a reminder of the devastating effects of the Great Recession, it is a metaphor. The metaphor is that promises by politicians are easy to make, but delivery of them is unrealistic. 


The Elk Grove Promenade

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Anonymous said...

"Promises" are cheap...sometimes in the form of a little potted plant or even wearing matching shirts...meaning "we are a team". EG's "Reality" comes in the form of what is imaginary, dreams, what is false or what is fictional. In other words "speaking out of both sides of your mouth". Untrustworthy!

Anonymous said...

Why would we get excited about an Outlet Mall? We already have one, however it is spread out all over the city. I suppose it would be more convenient to have the stores all in one location, but then what would we do with all those empty store fronts scattered all over EG? Maybe "The Grow" the city talks about could go there. Doesn't look like SEPA will help much with mall traffic, the city is giving them 10-20 years out in building. Oh, forgot...the soccer families and all those big bucks they spend every weekend. Has to be some major spending there!

Plus...who knows what new grandiose idea our city will come to the table with next month. (when they get back from Pakistan) They wake up in a new world every day and working on all those Revenue Bonds takes a lot of sipping from the Kool Aid jar. I'm thinkin, like said by someone else, Elk Grove is nothing but a pis* ant on HHC's map.

It's the Kool-Aid said...

Shame on you for making all these false campaign pledges; shame on us for believing them and voting you all into office, again and again and again...

Anonymous said...

Talk is cheap. When will the residents of Elk Grove file a class action lawsuit against the City of Elk Grove and Hughes for the damage done to the real estate values that this blight has brought?

Even if nothing comes of it, the filing alone will bring more attention and action to it than a dozen whining articles.....

Anonymous said...

Sorry...Off topic, Some of us were wondering whatever happened to the "Triangle Point 75" parcel at Waterman, Mosher & Grant Line? This is the one where they were building 92 single-family lots and a 65,504 square foot residential care facility. That was near the propane tanks. It was before Planning on May 15,2014, not sure when the city council heard it. That's been over a year ago and haven't heard a word since. AGENDA.....

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