Elk Grove Rings Up $104k Tab in September For Soccer, Aquatics Facilities
Elk Grove has moved forward on expenditures for aquatics and soccer facilities absent of final design and finance plans. October 24, 2...
Elk Grove has moved forward on expenditures for aquatics and soccer facilities absent of final design and finance plans. |
Even though the design and financing plans are not finalized, The City of Elk Grove is moving forward on expenditures for its proposed soccer and aquatics facilities.
According to the city's monthly check disbursement register, payments totaling $104,358 were made during the month of September related to the soccer and aquatics facilities. In August the city paid $30,846 for the projects.
In September the city paid the following invoices with the descriptions noted for the two planned athletic facilities:
- Inter West Consulting Group - $1,539 Soocer Stadium Land Acquisition
- HLA Group, Landscaping - $1,782 plan review aquatics center
- Pacific Municipal Consultants - $6,577 Elk Grove multi sports complex
- Willdan Engineering - $40,674 Elk Grove sports complex
- Willdan Engineering - $35,142 EG Sports complex Amendment 4
- Willdan Engineering - $14,467 Civic Center Aquatics Center
During August the city paid Interwest $1,032 for soccer stadium land acquisition and $29,814 to Willdan for EG Sport Complex Center.
The word is out-consultants can make money off Elk Grove!
It appears Jeroen Gerrese is President, CEO of Shiraz Group, LLC. My question would be, how did this lawsuit come about? Could it have been the team of P3 Internationals lack of experience? As I remember they had no experience in the building of Olympic Aquatics Centers. Seems I remember they were not able to get financing that the city could endorse. Guess the courts will decide this one & based on our history it will probably not be in our favor. Just add this $525,000 plus legal to all the above and more to come to EG's "lessons learned" file. Most likely much more to come until the kitty is dry.
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