Opinion - Why Not Give Future Elk Grovians Some Naming Opportunities
October 13, 2015 | Tomorrow night the Elk Grove City Council will deliberate a very touchy topic - the naming of parks. After ...
October 13, 2015 |
Tomorrow night the Elk Grove City Council will deliberate a very touchy topic - the naming of parks.
After viewing the list of proposed parks names, each and every advocate can make valid arguments for the individuals or families nominated. The topic will boil down to whether the parks, or in other cases facilities in the future, be named after someone alive or passed-away.
The topic is very subjective and there will be many disappointed by the process and the outcome.
While we are not taking any position on who should be honored - they all seem worthy - we would like the council to consider one other option.
Why not leave the current parks in question, or a certain percentage in the future as they are constructed, with a generic name such as Madeira East and give future Elk Grovians and a future city council the opportunity to name the parks after some future distinguished citizen? A kind of pay-it-forward- for coming generations of Elk Grove residents.
As someone who grew up in communities that were built out, having parks, schools, streets, and government facilities that were named after people, men mostly, from 40 or more years earlier, the names had no relevance to most people. Furthermore, perhaps some kid growing up in our community today will have a major accomplishment in the arts, science, letters or athletics 30 years from now.
The decision to defer by the current city council might be viewed as a punt by some and the council would probably be loath to give up this opportunity. Nonetheless, it could give future residents and elected officials a unique opportunity to recognize significant contributions by some yet-to-be-determined person in our community. It will help tie them to the community and offer civic participation in a manner other established communities cannot offer.
Who knows, maybe even one of our current council members will be fondly remembered enough 20 years from now to have a park, street, or stadium named after them.
Elk Grove News: You make a good argument. Most of the parks were named before the population boom here in Elk Grove, mostly after the old guard.
If you ask 10 people over in Laguna who half these people are, odds are other than Don Notolli, most would not know. And how many of the parks are currently named after people of color?
So with that, hold that park’s name in perpetuity, because he is so deserving, after he leaves the Elk Grove City Council, name the park in honor of Elk Grove’s first elected mayor, Gary Davis.
Beat you to it, “Proud to be me led!”
Great idea, this is not a process to be rushed and should have some strict rules regarding naming of parks or for that manner streets. One being, person must have been deceased for at least five years plus have contributed to the development, community service, personal sacrifice for public service or national defense, or efforts to foster equality among the citizens of the City. Historical significance locally, nationally or globally with significant local or regional ties. Name should be easily recognized by the community.
Perhaps Howard Hughes Park or Ackman Park could be a suggestion.
Might help get that Outlet Collection built..."sittingonagoldmine"!
I think I'm gonna throw up!
Gary Davis? Really?
With his lead we never got anything built. Maybe if his park never gets built we can name a vacant lot after him.
We could name Elk Grove's new Waste Management facility after Davis.
Crap in, crap out.
Anon 17:15, played well, I was out for the evening and you beat me to it!
Look, our leaders are what makes Elk Grove so great. The proof is in our rising property values, low crime, nice neighborhoods, and good schools. We didn't get all this by accident. I credit Detrick, Hume and Davis on the current Council for leading us through the recession and getting our city back on its feet. I know, some of you skeptics want to complain about all the dreams and feasibility studies, but you gotta spend money to make money. Besides, who said government needs to be run like a business? If so, then we would have MBAs sitting on Council. Nope, PG&E, coffee shop owner, real estate development, educator, and government liaison is all the background we need to achieve greatness.
In reading the nominations I'm thinking...who in the heck are these people? They may have made wonderful contributions to the community in some way, but many of us have not lived here all our lives and the name means nothing to us. Did get a laugh about the name Porto....first thought was porta potty. Maybe fitting since they're brought in at events sometimes and EG seems to heading down the PP. Before you scream, yes I know where the name Porto comes from...still not sure how it applies to EG though.
Perhaps we should just play in safe and name them after wildlife, flora, fauna or natural features related to the community and the City.
and then another thought ran through my mind...why in the heck is that a priority on the city council agenda when we have an increase in the numbers of seniors & homeless who are needing help and a boatload of other projects that are still unfinished. We need to get a grip on just what are our priorities here in EG.
There will be plenty of opportunities for naming parks in the future. Remember our council wants to push our city south to the Cosumnes River with the SOI.
Lost in all this discussion is why in the heck is the city even in the park business to begin with? CSD is the agency that historically ran parks/rec and fire services. The power hungry city just can't keep to their areas of responsibility. RT offered bus services, but no, we had to have our own bus service. The County offered police protection, but no, we had to have our own police department. CSD offered park services, but no we want to run our own parks!
Naming of the parks is pretty petty when you look at the big picture isn't it?
How right you are WB. Our city wakes up in a new world every day and never finishes something successfully or achieves something to make this city one we can be proud of. Leave the parks to CSD and stick to Food Trucks & weiner roasts.
Mr. Buffet and Ms./Mr. Anon 11:14 both make excellent points. Why is The City of Elk Grove in the park business anyway? I realize it dates back to the era when the city council was populated by five former members who wanted to build the jewel of the city. Perhaps this council should take a step back.
Replicating the work that the CCSC specializes in is a wasteful use of resources by the city, and more importantly, it places additional burdens on taxpayers. Of course Mr. Hume had a remedy of this situation by suggesting the city take over the CCSD.
Is that a discussion we want to have?
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