Poll Shows Elk Grove Voters Have No Appetite For Sales Tax Increase

October 9, 2015 | If the results of a poll conducted over a six-day period are any indicator, the Elk Grove City Council's proposal...

October 9, 2015 |

If the results of a poll conducted over a six-day period are any indicator, the Elk Grove City Council's proposal to raise local sales taxes to pay for a world class soccer facility and stadium might be DOA with area voters.

The unscientific poll, which concluded yesterday, asked respondents if they would be willing to pay a 1/2 cent sales tax increase in Elk Grove to help fund athletic facilities. 

A resounding 41 of 46 respondents, or 89-percent said they are unwilling to pay the additional tax for soccer facilities. Four respondents, or eight-percent supported the proposition, and one respondent was undecided.

At their September 25, meeting the Elk Grove City Council said they would be willing to explore the idea of an unspecified sales tax increase to help finance projected multi-million dollar operating deficits for the city's proposed soccer facility and aquatics center. At that same meeting Vice Mayor Pat Hume stressed while he supported exploring the idea, any tax increase to finance these discretionary projects would have to be put to a vote of the people.

Should the city council decide to pursue a sales tax increase, it could be competing with another sales tax increase for county transit projects. The Sacramento Transit Authority is currently exploring the feasibility of placing a measure on the November, 2016 ballot.        


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Connie said...

I have gone on record, and I will again. To the Elk Grove City Council: “Finish just one project, and then we can talk about giving you more money!”

And one more thing, stop wasting taxpayer money on all those feasibility studies. There hasn’t been one worth a damn since The Sinclair Report.

Warren Buffett said...

Can we get another feasibility study out of this one?

Anonymous said...

Increased taxes for roads, bridges, police, traffic... Maybe. Make your case.
MLS Stadium... No.
Elaborate civic center... No.
Sprawling soccer complex... No.
High dives, olympic pools and splash parks... No.

If the soccer families weren't disingenuously rallied by Davis but, instead, were given the entire picture, I'll bet they would be less likely to come in and show the support they did. They'd be even less likely to bring in their kids to sit a long evening for a sham of a proposal.

If I was one of the soccer families that showed up to support, I'd feel misled and used.

Jughead Jones said...

Maybe the city can do a feasibility study to see how we can get more smorgasbords and malt shops in town!

Ice Rink said...

Stay out of my pocket!

1-800-U-Haul said...

"The state sales tax rate in Montana is 0.000%. There are no local taxes beyond the state rate. Montana charges no sales tax on purchases made in the state. The cities and counties in Montana also do not charge sales tax on purchases so the state enjoys tax free shopping. Montana joins Delaware, New Hampshire, and Oregon as the four only states without any sales taxes."

Anonymous said...


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