Good Day For Craft - Earns Elk Grove, Sacramento Democratic Endorsements

Elk Grove City Council District 3 candidate, Maureen Craft.  | September 14, 2016 |   In terms of increasing her name recognitio...

Elk Grove City Council District 3 candidate,
Maureen Craft. 

| September 14, 2016 |  

In terms of increasing her name recognition and gaining endorsements, yesterday was a good day for Elk Grove City Council District 3 candidate Maureen Craft.

Early yesterday afternoon Craft learned she was endorsed by the Democratic Party of Sacramento County, and for good measure, earned the endorsement last night of the Elk Grove-South County Democratic Party. Craft, and another Democratic candidate, Vincent Neuburger, are challenging two-term incumbent Steve Detrick for the District 3 seat on the Elk Grove City Council.

Last night's endorsement was determined by a popular vote of members in attendance at the meeting held in front of a standing-room-only audience in the community meeting room at the Elk Grove Public Library. In the final tally, Craft received 24 votes, Neuburger one, and there were two abstentions.

In her comments to the club members, Craft highlighted her experience as a small business advocate, an element she says is missing on the current City Council.

"I feel that I am a great City Council member because one, I bring a business perspective that is not on the at this time," she said. "I am a person who understands how to bring corporations to a city."

Craft also discussed the retirement of Elk Grove Police Chief Robert Lehner and suggested there should be more community involvement in the selection of his replacement.

"The citizens of Elk Grove also need to have a voice in choosing the next police chief," she added.

Regarding growth and economic development, Craft said the City needs to develop "foundational things" that will help attract corporations that bring with them high-paying jobs. Craft said some of those elements needed to recruit employers are more diverse entertainment venues, upscale restaurants, and a performing arts center.

"We want to be a sophisticated city where people want to come to," Craft said. "The only way to attract corporations here is to have some of the foundational things a city wants."

Craft said if she is elected, she will establish an advisory council of residents from District 3. "It is important for me to know what people want," she said.

During a question and answers, Craft said she supported term limits, did not support making Council Members full-time positions, but would support a full-time mayor. She qualified her support of making the Mayor full-time by saying "The Mayor has to do the work."

Following Craft was Vincent Neuburger who made his presentation from a prepared statement. Reading from his statement, Neuburger said he supported slower growth, by-district elections of council members, and term limits.

"As a Council Member, I will listen to the concerns of the residents and businesses community of Elk Grove to improve public safety, economic development, and slow-intelligent growth," he said.

Neuburger also said he opposed giving a subsidy to Costco, which has a store planned for Elk Grove, noting that taxpayer money should be used for constituent services such as public safety.

"What is troubling is how Costco, the world's second-largest retailer, with $116 billion in revenue last year, is coming to Elk Grove holding out a little tin cup for subsidies," he said. "We should be spending that money on police, recruiting and retaining our police, instead of giving subsidies for Costco."

Below is a video of a portion of Crafts' presentation and the audio of both candidates' presentations in their entirety. 


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