Neuburger Loans His Elk Grove City Council Campaign $93,000

October 3, 2016 |

Although he has not had as much visibility as his two opponents in the Elk Grove City Council District 3 race, candidate Vincent Neuburger made a large personal loan indicating he is all in according to financial disclosures.

In his California Form 460 filed on September 29 with the Elk Grove City Clerks office, Neuburger disclosed he had loaned his campaign $93,484. With that loan, of the two challengers, Neuburger most closely matches the funding of incumbent City Council Member Steve Detrick who recently reported a balance of $132,685, of which $102,000 was in personal loans.

Although Neuburger's loan indicates he is financially all in for the race, the novice politician has maintained a relatively low profile seemingly eschewing social media and other weapons in a modern campaign's arsenal. Aside from several campaign signs placed throughout Elk Grove and an appearance at the most recent Elk Grove-South County Democratic Club monthly meeting, there has been little coverage of Neuburger's campaign.

Neuburger deferred an interview request with this outlet until after the Fallbrook Neighborhood Association candidates forum scheduled for Thursday, October 13.

Although he has a large campaign fund, Neuburger to date reports expenditures of $1,604 for the purchase of signs, campaign literature, and filing fees.   

Interestingly, the last Elk Grove candidate who ran as a challenger and self-funded with a similar amount was Detrick in 2008. In his successful campaign that ousted former Elk Grove City Council Member Mike Leary in a three-way race, Detrick's campaign was loaned around $100,000.

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