Battle Royal for Mayor of Elk Grove in 2018 - Ly versus Suen?...Or will a qualified non-incumbent take the coveted seat?

July 10, 2017 | There have been rumblings that the political underground has already been hard at work to unseat Elk Grove Mayor Ste...

July 10, 2017 |

There have been rumblings that the political underground has already been hard at work to unseat Elk Grove Mayor Steve Ly in 2018. Speculation is that Ly, a Democrat, will be getting opposition from within his own party and he won’t have to look too far. Ly may only have to look two seats to his left on the Elk Grove City Council dais for one of his possible challengers.

Forget about the Republicans in the next election, Ly could be fighting for his political life, both in support and fundraising, if fellow Democrat and Elk Grove City Council member Darren Suen decides to run for mayor. 

Suen, if he throws his hat into the mayoral race, sits in the same cushy spot Ly sat in during election 2016.  If Suen runs and loses, he retains his District 1 council seat.  [Ly, when he ran for mayor, was in the middle of a four-year term representing District 4; so losing would have been no big deal.]

However, if Suen is successful, it would be déjà vu all over again, another possible “rigged” appointment process?  Or perhaps finally the Elk Grove City Council will be forced by their constituents to enact AB 2220 (Cooper, D-Elk Grove) by adopting an ordinance that requires the members of the legislative body to be elected by-district which will allow the voters to decide in a special election who replaces Suen.  Not to mention all future by-district elections would take away the incumbent advantage and level the playing field for qualified opponents.

Hence, there is no surprise fake news is running amuck out in the community that only an incumbent can beat incumbent – an obvious alternative fact – which most likely is being fueled by those who are encouraging Suen to run – feeding his decision, and ego, that he is only one who can defeat Ly. 

Secondly, these alternative facts ala Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway are probably likely being circulated to deter new leadership role models that are already making a difference in the community from also running for mayor.

So, if this political scenario plays out, it will be a hoot to watch Suen and Ly compete for the same big money fundraising dollars from developers, unions and city contractors who, in the past, would support both so that they were ensured their projects and contracts were passed, no questions asked. 

What will those contributors do now? Support Ly? Support Suen? Support both and double their already hefty contribution budgets? Ironically for the first time, Ly should be on his own during Election 2018 without his mentor since former Elk Grove Mayor Gary Davis is finally out of the picture and is no longer calling the shots along with seeking out contributors to “strongly” support Ly.

Show us the money! With one peek at the December 31, 2016, 460 campaign reporting statements, Ly has quite a debt from the last election; whereas Suen has a substantial war chest from raising money in the last election he didn’t have to spend to thwart off a phantom opponent no one ever saw, let alone heard from – a plant perhaps to allow Suen to raise money knowing in two years he would have ample money to run for mayor. Conspiracy theory? Would anyone be surprised at anything these local politicians say and do?

As a side note, Council member Patrick Hume, also up for reelection in 2018 in Elk Grove District 2, would most likely appreciate the incumbent versus incumbent race in the hopes that his reelection bid flies under the radar. That is, unless, there is a challenger out there who thinks four terms on the Elk Grove City Council is enough for the ring leader on the city council.

For observers, if Suen does throw his hat into a safe race, it will be fascinating to watch the dynamics at Elk Grove City Council meetings knowing every time Ly calls on Suen he might be looking at the very man who wants to oust him. Suen will possibly likely garner the support – behind the scenes of course – of fellow Elk Grove Council members Steve Detrick and Hume who take every opportunity to embarrass Ly.

Ly is under the delusion that the city council is a “team” and that they “work well together.”  Ly seems to be clueless when he is punked every chance Hume and sidekick Detrick get to make him look foolish.

Unfortunately, as past elections have shown us, and by the continued appointment process, there seems to be no statesmen on the Elk Grove City Council who think about the next generation; only politicians, always looking out for the next election.

Ly verses Suen? Let’s get ready to rumble!

Submitted by a verified Elk Grove resident who asked that their name not be used.

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D.J. Blutarsky said...

What criteria does one use when evaluating these local politicians? If we were to use voting record, then we have five identical politicians qualified to be Mayor. It is about as rare to see a diaper on a Swainson Hawk as it is to see a 'NO'vote cast by any Councilmember!

If we were to use individual vision for the city as a voting criteria, then we would be without a Mayor. Policies float through the Chambers about as often as Donald Trump tweets! Talk about using the shotgun approach to see what sticks.

So with all due respect to the EGN "crazies", all I'm left with are soundbites and photo-ops to judge my candidates by. Well, I am forgetting the potholders, hotdogs, plants, pencils, and other tokens of voter outreach used in the past. Instead of guessing who will be our next Mayor, maybe this article would have been better if we try to guess the props that may come our way come next election season!

Eye on Elk Grove said...

Hey, Elk Grove resident and author of this op-ed, you wrote, “Gary Davis is finally out of the picture.” Not so fast! Gary Davis has filed paperwork as follows: “Mayor Gary Davis 2024.” Yep, you read that right, 2024!

Elk Grove Planning Commission Kevin Spease has also filed for the same year as mayor, “Spease for Elk Grove Mayor 2024.”

Do we have the beginnings of a political mayoral chess game here seven years in the making?

God help us!

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